[Part 39]

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"Well... I thought about torturing you both for a week but my wife is calling me and I don't want you guys breathing anywhere where she is" Jungkook said and without waiting for another second he shot each of them thrice; one in the leg, one in heart and one in the forehead.

He turned around and gave his gun to one of the men as he left the room and ran out towards the main mansion. Sprinting across the hallway and then up the stairs, Jungkook finally reached the door of their shared bedroom as he barged into it.

Jungkook's breath hitched when he saw his wife laying on the bed, with half open eyes. She  immediately looked at him as he ignored everyone in the room and slowly went towards her whose eyes teared up upon seeing her husband.

"J-Jungkookie" She muttered in a low voice as tears trailed down her face... the face of his precious.

The others, in order to give privacy to the couple, silently left the room as Jungkook continued advancing towards her and stopped right in front of her while she stared at him. Jungkook silently sat beside her laying figure on the bed but before he could completely settle himself, Yn stood up and engulfed him in a hug as she began crying out loud. Jungkook too hugged her back as he caressed her back lighlty to calm her down.

"I-I was so scared" She whispered in between her sobs.

"I'm sorry baby so sorry. Please forgive your Jungkookie. I regret every bit I said that day. Taehyung and Jimin were shot and were in the hospital and the enemies had also escaped so my mind was not functioning properly. I know it didn't give me the right to lash out on you so please baby forgive me, please"

Yn silently listened to him and didn't say anything, but still snuggled in his chest as she continued to let out tiny sobs.

"T-the old man... H-he slapped me because he wanted to do something to me but I refused. He t-touched me on my b-body and also tried to k-ki-"

"Shhh calm down baby" Jungkook cut her off.

"They're gone both of them. No one would come near you hmm? Everyone who tried to hurt you is gone" He whispered as he slowly caressed her head.

Suddenly Yn looked up at him as she connected both of their lips making Jungkook freeze in his place but nonetheless he kissed her back. He could feel her salty tears in between the kiss that made his heart clench because oh it made him want to kill Tuan and his son again and again and torture them till they loose their voices.

Jungkook slowly laid her on the bed as they still continued kissing. Soon both of them got out of breath so Jungkook broke the kiss and attached his lips to her milky neck, waiting to be painted by his marks. Yn tugged on his shirt indicating him to take it off which he did, throwing the shirt to God knows where as he continued to paint her neck. Yn tucked on his trousers too, but Jungkook suddenly came into realisation and stopped.

"Beautiful" he said as he tried to look in her eyes who was trying to untie the knot of his trousers.

"Wifey, look at me" Yn slowly looked up at him with her red, teary eyes.

"Let's sleep? Hmm? You need to rest?" He whispered slowly as he laid beside her.

Jungkook knew what she wanted but he also knew that it was all due to the sudden events. Yn whimpered, trying to disagree with him but Jungkook turned her around with her back facing him as he spooned her while leaving pecks on her exposed neck.

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