[Part 25]

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"...I'm so sorry again, I'll never do that again, I promise" Jungkook said as he slowly patted her back trying to calm her down.

After sometime Yn had calmed down and Jungkook noticed that she fell asleep. He chuckled as he laid her down on the bed comfortably and covered her with the duvet.

A sudden realization hit him as he stopped his movement W-what is happening to m-me? What am I doing.. Did I-I say s-sorry and.. Am I f-falling in l-lov-e? He questioned himself as he immediately left the bedroom.

He didn't know what to do so he went outside, towards the gate where around seven guards were standing. As soon as they saw him, they widened their eyes and started trembling in fear because Jungkook never came to them like this.

"Which of you guys are married?" Jungkook suddenly asked making all of them shocked and freeze in their places.

Two of them raised their hands and Jungkook signaled them to come with him as went towards the garden. "So... Do you both l-love your w-wives?" Jungkook asked while stuttering making the already shocked guards more shocked.

"I-It was an arranged ma-marriage boss, so I'm settling r-right now" One of them replied so Jungkook signaled him to leave, which he did.

"I love my wife boss, it was love a love marriage and we have been married for six years. We have two kids too, boss" The other guard replied while looking down, as no one could hold an eye-contact with Jungkook.

"Ehem... s-so w-what is it like? You know? W-what is l-love like?" Jungkook asked making the guard shocked and widen his eyes.

"B-Boss- umm.. It's a feeling that makes a person feel peace and comfort. It makes your heart pop out of your chest, it makes you want to give every ounce of comfort to that person... It triggers you when you see them sad or with tears.. It's the best feeling in the world boss.. It's--" The guard said with full emotions making Jungkook shudder in shock.

"Uh... Thankyou, now go" He said in a cold tone and the guard nodded and ran away.

Fuck... This is all that I feel... Then am I in l-love with her? Jungkook thought as he grabbed his hair in frustration.

"AHHH HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN?" he shouted in annoyance not believing that he fell in love.. Just like that.

It's evening now, Jungkook is sitting in the living room scrolling through his phone while Yn is still asleep. Suddenly he heard footsteps as he looked up and saw Yn coming down the stairs.

She glanced at him and went inside the kitchen to drink some water so Jungkook stood up and followed her.

"A-are you fine?" He asked to which she hummed while taking out the water from the fridge.

Jungkook looked at her as she gulped down the water and how a drop of water slipped out of her mouth, trailing down her chin falling i--WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING? He internally shouted and quickly shrugged it off while coughing.

"Umm, do you want to go somewhere or do something you like?" Jungkook asked her as he thought he didn't take her anywhere.

Why do I fucking care? He suddenly thought but it vanished when Yn spoke.

"I want to bake a cake" She demanded while looking at him with her hazel eyes.

"W-what? Bake a cake? We can go out an-" Jungkook said as he was shocked with her answer.

"But I want to bake a cake! Bring me the necessities" She cut him off making him nod and call the maid.

After the maid gave her all the things, she went away while Yn wore an apron and tied her hair up in a ponytail. Jungkook was following every step of hers, examine what she is doing but suddenly she looked up at him with a raised eyebrow making him flinch. Jungkook shook his head and Yn started making the batter for the cake.

"Jungkook can you whip the cream?" Yn asked Jungkook while mixing the ingredients for the batter.

Jungkook looked at her awkwardly as he said "I don't know how to" making Yn sigh.

"Take the whisker, turn it on, and move it gently till the cream becomes a smooth texture" Yn said to him making him nod his head. (guys i know nothing about baking a cake, I don't go to the kitchen so forgive me if I'm saying wrong shit 💀)

While Jungkook was doing his work, Yn took out the cake mold and poured the batter in it and popped it in the oven for it to bake.

"Give it to me now, thankyou" She said taking the whisker from Jungkook and doing it herself.

After a few seconds she stopped it and poured the melted chocolate in it. (does this fucking makes sense idk 😭😭) Now both her and Jungkook were waiting for the cake to be baked while resting on the kitchen counter. Well.. Only Yn was as Jungkook was busy staring at her silently. When she looked at him, he noticed that there was some cream on her cheek so he slowly approached her, making her move back until her back hit the fridge.

"I don't eat people, but I make my sharks eat the ones who make me angry" He said with a fake smile as he stood in front of her making her gulp.

Jungkook raised his hand to bring it near her cheek to clean it making Yn follow the movement of his hand. He slowly cleaned the cream as he looked into her eyes while she did the same. Both of them were lost in each others eyes when suddenly the oven 'dinged' making them flinch. Jungkook coughed while Yn pushed him off by his chest and went towards the oven.

Meanwhile Jungkook's heart was about to pop out of his chest as bought his hand up to his chest, trying to feel his heartbeat. Jungkook silently chuckled as he looked at Yn who was taking out the cake from the oven...

You've trapped the devil with yourself wifey... And now this devil won't ever let you go.

I changed the cover of the book! Do you guys like it or want me to change to another one?? I have two more and I don't know which one is cool 😔😔

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