[Part 11]

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"Yes, I'll take you with me" He said making her eyes widened as she didn't want this "B-but I" she said while disagreeing when Jungkook cute her off with a loud voice "I SAID I'LL FUCKING TAKE YOU TO THE UNIVERSITY WITH MYSELF DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? NOW FUCKING SHUT UP AND SLEEP!" He shouted making her flinch and tears quickly gather up in her eyes, She looked down and nodded her eyes while quickly going to the other side of the bed. Jungkook was burning up at the moment as his whole day was destroyed due the incident in the morning. Not wanting to do something more that could make her even more scared of him, he barged out of the room. Meanwhile Yn laid there, crying silently, completely helpless in a world where she doesn't belong to.

Jungkook came out to the balcony with a cigarette in his hand to unfuck himself from his fucked up life in the recent days. He couldn't believe his life has turned into something he had never even crossed a thought about. Suddenly he chuckled "I am married" he thought and puffed the cigarette in his hand.

Jungkook's phone suddenly rang and he picked it up immediately seeing it was Taehyung who called "Did Yn talk to you?" Taehyung asked directly not bothering to greet the younger one who rolled his eyes as soon as he heard him "About what?" He asked. "About the university, I told her that maybe your driver will drop her but she should ask you. Also she told me that she wanted us to act like we don't know each other in the university as she doesn't want the attention and definitely not be a target of the crazy girls" Taehyung said making Jungkook freeze in his place. Fuck. He mentally cursed himself before saying "Y-yeah she did, I'll talk to you later" He said and hung up.

Jungkook threw down the cigarette before crashing it with his feet and kicked the table beside him "FUCK" He shouted before gripping his hair tight. He didn't feel guilty or something it was just.. he broke his promise and that was to not scare her. He took a deep breath and went back to his room. He slowly entered the room and closed his eyes tightly as the first thing he heard was Yn's sobs. He went towards his closet and took out a phone, a brand new phone that Yn's father had to him to buy for her. He slowly went towards her laying figure that was hidden under the comforter and coughed to gain her attention "My driver will drop you tomorrow and pick you up and drop you in the university. Uncle Kim told me to buy you a phone so... here. It had the contacts of everyone including your driver" Jungkook said.

Yn slowly peeked out of the blanket when she heard the room's door closing. Her eyes widened at the sight of the phone because...it was a newest model that was recently released. She took it in her hands and opened it. After checking the phone, she put in on the side table and slept, not knowing what tomorrow awaits for her.

The morning arrived and Yn woke up as soon as the alarm went started ringing that she set up on her new phone last night. She looked to her side and sighed in relief as Jungkook didn't wake up due to the sound. She quietly went to the washroom to freshen up and get ready for the university as the same person she was but also as a different one. She came out after changing her clothes and picked up her bag that was placed on the chair neatly along with the books and necessities she needed. Wait. But how is she supposed to go, she knows the driver will drop her but which one? She looked towards Jungkook who was sleeping soundly and then at her feet. Come on, you can do this. She chanted in her heart and went towards him.

She slightly touch his biceps but the man didn't even bulge from his place "J-Jungkook?" She whispered in a low voice. "Hmm?" The man said in his husky voice, still asleep. "I-I need to go to the university, c-can you tell the dr-driver?" She said to the sleeping man. After some minutes he opened his eyes and looked at the girl who was standing while looking down at her feet. He grabbed his phone that was placed on the table and dialed the driver that was supposed to take her. "Drop her and make sure to pick her up" He said directly to the driver and hung up without listening to the other side.

Jungkook looked up at Yn "Have breakfast before going cause I don't want to get beaten up. And take this" He said while handing her a credit card that was placed on the side table. "It's your credit card, so umm buy anything you want" Jungkook said and rested his head on the headboard. "T-thankyou" She said and was about to go but stopped as Jungkook spoke again "Aren't you going early? It's not even 9?" He asked. "A-actually, I have morning classes today so that's why" She said earning a nod from him.

She left the room and went to the dining table to have breakfast. The maids looked at her and bowed, greeting her as she sat down on one of the chairs. She looked at her side to see 2 maids glaring at her and immediately looked down. After having her breakfast, she quickly stood up and grabbed her bag heading outside towards her driver who was waiting for her. "Good morning madam" He said while greeting her with a smile which she returned. Yn was about to sit inside the car but stopped when she realized she left her phone on the dining table. Excusing herself, she ran inside to grab it.

She was about to enter but stopped when she heard the maids "Gosh! I'm literally gonna poison that bitch one day so that she dies and our master can be free. She is so annoying! Because of her master barely stays in the house or pays attention to us! I really want to feel him again" The maid said to the other while smirking as she remember how Jungkook had once fucked her. Tears immediately gathered in Yn's eyes as she couldn't believe that they wanted to kill her just to be close with Jungkook. She thought not to take her phone and turned around to leave but instead she bumped into a hard thing? Her teary eyes looked upwards to see what it was but immediately shock spread over them to see the person who was looking down at her with anger visible in their eyes. "J-Jungkook"


I'm so sorry for making you guys wait. The thing is that I'm very busy nowadays. So I'll only update on weekends maybe? If I can, I'll try my best to update whenever I can.

Hope you enjoyed!!

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