[Part 37]

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"Pretty wife you got there Jeon! Never thought you would get someone as tempting as her"

Jungkook immediately stood up from his chair making it fall backwards. The men in the room immediately stood up when they saw how angry their boss looked.

"Tuan! I dare you! I fucking dare you to do something to her or even touch her, you'll see the wrath of Jeon Jungkook!" Jungkook said in a venomous voice making everyone in the room shiver.

"I won't promise anything Jeon cause she hell of a tempting piece, her body-"

Jungkook saw red when Tuan said that so he kicked the table in front of him in anger.

"Tuan you mother fucker! That's my wife you're talking about! LEAVE HER THI-"

"I'll give you time to find us Jeon, but can't promise if I won't do anything with her cause... umm her moans would be heavenly" Tuan said as he chuckled and cut the call.

Jungkook couldn't control his anger as he smashed his phone on the wall making everyone in the room flinch.

"TUAN FUCKING HAS MY WIFE! WHO WAS AT THE GATE? FUCKING FIND OUT THOS FUCKERS AND MAKE SURE YOU BRING THEM TO THE BASEMENT! TRACK DOWN TUAN AND IF I DON'T GET ANY KNEWS ABOUT MY WIFE IN THE MORNING EVERYONE IS DEAD!" Jungkook shouted as he left the room and ran towards the parking lot to go to the hospital and inform his hyungs about this.

As soon as Jungkook narrated the whole story Taehyung got up from the bed and punched him on his face making him stumble backwards.

"Motherfucker! Don't you know how to control your damn anger you piece of SHIT!" Taehyung shouted, anger visible in his voice.

Jungkook poked his cheek, his nostrils flaring with anger as he glared at Taehyung the first person to punch his face.

"You both stop fighting! And let's fucking get ready!" Jimin shouted as he wore his coat and grabbed his gun.

"FUCK!" Jungkook said as threw the alcohol bottle he was drinking on the floor, shattering it into pieces.

It has been two days and there is no update of Yn. His father and Yn's father have also returned and are working together but no updates. Jungkook even had tracked down all the aircrafts that have left the country and his men are spread all over the airports to make sure Yn isn't taken abroad.

Jungkook felt like an absolute looser for the first time in his life. He never knew how it felt to be helpless... but right now he's feeling it.

Has he done something to her?
How is she?
Is she...alive?

Every kind of thought running inside his head because he knows, better than anyone else what happens after someone, specifically a woman after she is kidnapped.

The search continued for another two days but still there is no updates about the Mafia King's wife. Jungkook has completely lost himself, he just drinks and goes in and out of the office in search of his wife.

Right now all the family members along with the trusted guards were in the meeting room of Jungkook's mansion. They were looking at the CCTV footages and tracking down the numbers of the people that they had suspected.

Everyone was talking except Jungkook who sat there like a lifeless body, his fingers playing with the glass of wine that was in front of him.

All of a sudden he stood up as the glass fell on the floor making everyone look up at him. Taehyung had noticed how Jungkook lost himself in these four days and realised how much Yn meant to him. Not only him but everyone else had.

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