[Part 32]

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"Don't ask that question again Yn" Jungkook said with his cold voice, the voice that Yn hadn't heard in a long time.

She nodded her head and looked in front of her, a sudden feeling of fear creeping inside her chest. Did i ask something wrong? She thought but shrugged it off and continued to look outside.

After a while they reached the mansion, Jungkook without saying any word went straight to his office leaving Yn puzzled. She thought of going behind him but stopped as she thought he'll need time to cool down his anger.

Yn came to their room and changed her clothes to her normal one's as the dress was very uncomfortable. She laid on the bed and started scrolling her phone as she was not hungry. After an hour she got tired and sighed, waiting for Jungkook but there was no sign of him so she got up annoyed. 

"Where is he??" she said in a frustrated voice and went out of the room to his office.

Without thinking twice, she just barged into the office and Jungkook upon the disturbance looked up to see Yn. His eyes turned cold and without saying anything he looked back at his work, making Yn furrow her eyebrows.

"Jungkook let's sleep" Yn said with a pout on her lips but Jungkook didn't even bother to glance at her, instead he just shook his head and continued doing the work on his laptop.

Yn huffed in anger and went near him with both her hands on her waist.

"Jungkook I sa-"

"Get out! Don't you understand? And don't disturb me" He raised his voice a bit making her flinch.

She gulped a lump in her throat as tears brimmed in the corner of her eyes. Without saying anything Yn rushed out of the room, leaving behind a Jungkook who was lost in his work, forgetting that he made the person who he loves cry.

Yn came back to the room and directly hid herself under the blanket, crying her eyes out due to the sudden raise of voice from Jungkook

I hate him! I hate you Jeon Jungkook She said in a low voice while hicupping due to immense crying and without realizing she slept.

"Fuck you Jeon Jungkook! Did you make her cry?" Jungkook said as he held his hair in a fist in anger.

But then his eyes turned cold remembering the question Yn asked.
Where are our mothers? He gritted his teeth in anger getting the flashbacks of the person who he hates the most in the world, well hated.. His mother.

-Flashback when Jungkook was 12-

(Warning !May be disturbing to some readers)

"M-Mom where are we going" Asked Jungkook as his mom dragged him along with herself out of the mansion they lived it.

"Be quiet and follow me, Jungkook" Said his mom in a rude tone making  the little boys eyes water as he silently followed his mother.

After fifteen minutes of driving the car, her mom stopped the car outside an abandoned building kind of place. After getting out of the car, she held Jungkook's hand tightly and dragged him with herself inside the mansion and didn't stop despite Jungkook pleadings. She stopped when she reached a scary kind of hall in which there were strange men that Jungkook had never seen. The little boy looked at his mother who was looking at the men in front of them.

"Here he is, do whatever you want with him" His mother said in a strange voice with a scoff. 

The men in front of them smirked as they approached near Jungkook and held one of his hand tightly making him scream.

"He's a damn mistake! I though after marrying Jeon Jae-hyun I'll have the time of my life but I got pregnant with him and had to take care of this burden as his dad wanted an 'heir'. Anyways give me my money, I have to leave South Korea before his father finds me!" The woman said in a rude tone scanning Jungkook as if she was disgusted by him.

Jungkook started crying as he watched his mother taking away the bag that was full of money and running away before looking at him with the last time with a scoff. The little boy screamed but his voice was unheard by his mother, as she left him all alone in a place full of strangers.

"Now now, what are we supposed to do with this pretty little boy" Said one of the men there as he came near Jungkook and caressed his back slowly making Jungkook cry due to the uncomfortable touch.

The man's eyes turned dark as he immediately grabbed Jungkook by his hair making the little boy yelp in pain. 

"You listen to me little bitch! All of us here are your fucking masters! Your mother sold you to us and we gave her damn 30 million dollars! We ain't letting you go that easily until we're satisfied" The man said in an angry tone as suddenly Jungkook felt something being injected in him and after that everything turned black.

Jungkook shifted around uncomfortably in his place when he felt someone touching his body. He tried to move away but he couldn't so he immediately opened  his eyes and got shocked when he saw the same three men standing  in front of him, while he was laying down on something. He widened his doe eyes when he realized that he was not wearing his shirt and was in a pair if blue shorts making his eyes teary.

"Pretty little boy is awake" Said one of the men as he looked at Jungkook with a cheap smirk.

Jungkook struggled to move around but he couldn't as he cried more while shaking his head as the man came near his face and started caressing it. The little boy let out a high pitched scream as tears were continuously falling down his face but all of them went in vain as no one was there to help him.

"We were going easy on you bitch!" Shouted another another man among the three as he came near Jungkook's face and touched shorts making Jungkook let out another scream but the man put his hand on Jungkook's mouth making his scream die down as only his tears came out.

The man  was about to go further when the door suddenly burst open making all of them halt.

"Jungkook!" A voice shouted and suddenly numerous gun shots were heard 


I'm not gonna stop the story, it's just that I'm demotivated right now, but don't worry I hope I'll update sooon!! 

See you later 

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