[Part 45]

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I wait for you everyday.
For a call, a message.
I love you.
I miss you.
Please come back to me.

Yn wrote on her diary as her tears dropped, making the inked paper wet, as the ink floated in her tears. She quickly wiped them away and closes the diary.

"You left him bitch! Stop crying!" She said to herself between her sobs.

Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a call from Kaylin as she picked it up.

"Yn come to my house today please! There are some guests of dad coming and I need your help! Mom is in another country! Please!" She said while whining making Yn chuckle as she agreed.

"Thank God you came early! Sorry had to call you on a Sunday and you might ne tired."

"Ah! It's okay! No problem!" Yn replied making Kaylin's eyes lit up.

"Really? Then let's start working cause they'll be here by 7pm and we have exactly four hours!"

And with that the two of the girls started working. Even though they had the maids to help them, Kaylin said her dad wanted it to be done by her as the guest was someone very important.

After two hours when they were done setting up the house, the went to the kitchen to prepare the food for them. When Yn looked at the menu, her eyes widened as half of the dishes on the list were those, whose name Yn hadn't even heard off.

Nonetheless, Kaylin and Yn both got to work as they started preparing the ones the maids had not done.

"Mam, they are here." The maid who was helping them suddenly said.

"Omg really? Yn is everything ready?"

"Yes it is!"

Both the girls waited for fifteen minutes when the door of the kitchen opened revealing Kaylin's dad.

"Kaylin can you come greet the guests? I hope your friend won't mind helping the maids?" He asked making Yn's heart thump.

"Yn are you okay with that?"

Yn nodded her head as Kaylin thanked her and went with her dad. After another five minutes, the maids started setting up the things in the trolly as one by one, they left with one and Yn also followed them. Soon they entered the dining area and...


It was him.
Jeon Jungkook.
Sitting on the chair.
His gaze shifted to Yn.
And... emotionless.
As always.

Yn, with her trembling figure served the dishes. Jungkook had his piercing gaze on her all the time while she was serving, a gaze that could kill her. Jungkook was alone, just his guards standing beside him and one of them was Kevin. Yn recognised him.

She turned around and was leaving when she heard Kaylin's father speaking.

"Mr.Jeon I hope you like my daughter Kaylin, she's gonna be my successor and I hope you both do great businesses together."

"I'm not interested" Jungkook said as he took a bite from his food, obviously after the guard tasted it.

I missed your voice

Yn quickly left the room and entered the kitchen, putting her palms over her mouth as she was afraid to let out a noise but she couldn't control as her sobs got louder. Luckily no one was there so could cry in peace.

"Yn! Thankyou so much for today! I'll be forever grateful for your help!" Kaylin saif as she hugged Yn.

"Can I leave now?"

"Ah yes! You can! Should I ask the driver to drop you?" Kaylin asked but Yn shook her head and bid her goodbye.

She went outside and stopped when she saw that Jungkook's cars were still parked there meaning he did not leave. She left with a heavy heart, smiling sadly as tears rolled down once again.

We're so close, yet so far.

She sat down on the bus stand, waiting for the bus to arrive as she didn't want to call the driver to pick her up.

Ten minutes had passed while waiting and she looked at the time. It was 10pm.

Will a bus come?

She thought while looking at her lap but suddenly three sleek, black cars stopped in front of her. She didn't look up but her heart starting beating loudly when she heard his voice.

"Get in the car"

Yn was left shocked in her place, she still didn't look up at him, afraid that it's a dream that will vanish away.

"Jeon Yn, I asked you to get inside the car." Jungook's voice was heard again and this time she slowly looked up at him.

Her breath hitched when she saw him sitting on the drivers seat while grabbing the steering wheel and looking at her, dead in the eyes. Yn gulped as she opened the door and sat beside him.

The windows rolled up as Jungkook drove off followed by the car behind him and ahead of him.

Where is he taking me?
Does he know where I live?

She thought as she stared out of the window at the buildings.

"You're coming with me to the hotel." Jungook's voice came.

Yn didn't say anything and looked at her lap.

Soon they stopped at the entrance of the hotel Yn works in making het eyes widen.

Shit! I forgot.

Jungkook opened the door to get out but Yn grabbed his hand, making both of them freeze.

"I-I work here. D-don't you h-have a mask?" She stuttered.

Jungkook gritted his teeth but nodded his head as he gave her a black cap and a mask that she quickly wore. He got out from his side and closed the door with a thud making Yn flinch.

Is he angry?

Her side of the door also opened as Jungkook grabbed her hand and they both entered the hotel. Through her side Yn could see people gasping in shock because it was very rare for Jeon Jungkook to go through the hotel lobby as he always had his private entrance.

Yn saw her manager and some of her colleagues staring at them with wide eyes as Jungkook dragged her till they stopped in front of the elevator.

Jungkook entered the private elevator and his guards also followed his but Jungkook flared in anger.

"Get out! And don't call me until someone wants to visit hell!" He seethed as he punched the buttons on the elevator.

As soon as they entered the penthouse Jungkook pinned her hand above her breathed out in anger. He bought his face dangerously closers to hers, his lips almost touching Yn's. Jungkook's grip was so strong that it might have left a bruise but Yn could not feel the pain.

"I didn't fucking let you go for you to work as a maid in someone's fucking house!"

Jungkook gritted, his eyes staring right into her soul, reminding her he's the devil, the king; The Devil Mafia King.

Eh. Double update because I'm excited for what's gonna happen AHHHH 😭😭😭

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