[Part 21]

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Yn and Jungkook looked at them confused and then at each other when suddenly Jungkook's father spoke, completing his friends sentence that he left. "We have decided to apologize by sending you guys on honeymoon" Jungkook's eyes darkened while Yn was left frozen in her place h-honey w-what? She thought and looked at her lap. "Repeat what you said, dad" Jungkook asked coldly and calmly that made his father chuckle in nervousness.  "Hon-honeymoon you know? Where couples g-go?" He said while stuttering as indeed he feared this side of his son. Jungkook banged the table and stood up in anger making everyone flinch. "Are you out of your fucking mind dad?" Jungkook said while gritting his teeth, scaring everyone there. "J-Jungkook s-son-" His father said while stuttering but Jungkook glared at him, eyes burning with fire. "What dad? huh? Do you expect me to go on a shitty honeymoon where you'll want me to have sex with he-" "JUNGKOOK! Control your fucking mouth!" Taehyung shouted loudly, standing with the same rage as Jungkook. Everyone was taken aback by this including Jungkook but who were they kidding, it was Jeon Jungkook who was angry right now.

Yn was sitting silently looking down at her lap, knowing that she wouldn't be able to say anything in a situation like this. She tried her best to control her tears and blinked her eyes to make sure they don't well up in her eyes. Jungkook suddenly looked at Yn with his red eyes making her tremble as both of them had an eye contact. "Get up!" He order to which she obeyed and immediately stood up. 

Jungkook grabbed her hand and was about to turn but Taehyung stopped him. "Where the fuck are you taking her!? I dare you to do someth-" Taehyung said with an angry voice but Jungkook cut him off while glaring "She's my fucking wife! None of you have a right to stop me from doing anything or taking her anywhere" He replied coldly and dragged Yn out with him leaving the people behind confused.
Both the fathers were worried about the fire they lit but they knew Jungkook wouldn't do something to her right? Taehyung turned around and glared at both of them "I fucking told you guys that this was not a good idea!" He shouted in anger, scared that something will happen to his sister. "Lower your voice son and about Jungkook don't worry. We all know he doesn't breaks his promises" Kang-min replied to his son calmly, making Taehyung huff due to anger and leave along with Jimin who was silent all the time.

Meanwhile as soon as they reached the car parking area, Jungkook immediately went towards the drivers seat as Yn silently sat down on the passengers seat, trembling inside. He'll fucking kill me today She thought and wanted to cry but controlled as she didn't wanted to make him more angry. Jungkook sped up the car at high speed as the veins popped out of his neck. At this point Yn was so scared that she started praying that he gives her a less painful death and not torture her till he is satisfied. Suddenly Jungkook pulled the brakes making Yn jolt forward. His eyes darkened as he looked at her with red eyes. That's it, today's my end she thought silently while looking back at him "Do you want to go on that fucking honeymoon!?" He asked out of the blue making her shocked to her core. She gulped a lump in her throat and shook her head. "N-no I don't" She replied while stuttering but this made him smirk and then again back to the usual angry one "Why? Don't you wanna have sex with me? I have a big dick that ca-" "Shut up! I'm not that kind of girl which you're thinking!" She shouted at him making him look forward towards the road. Jungkook sighed as he clenched his jaw in anger and pressed the accelerator making the car move.

Within five minutes they were outside the mansion in the parking area where Jungkook's car had just stopped. He was sitting there silently with his hands on the steering wheel while Yn was stealing little glances at him. He suddenly looked at her and got out the car, coming to her side and opening the door before grabbing her wrist and taking her inside with him to the mansion. It was barely 9p.m. so everyone was quiet awake and looking at them as Jungkook dragged her through the corridors. She did not utter a single word and silently followed him to where he was taking her while tears were pouring down her face .

Soon they reached the bedroom and he left her wrist and looked back at her who was in an extremely messed up state. Her hair around her face, make up messed up and tears rolling down her cheeks. Jungkook sighed and went closer to her lifting up his hand and wiping her nonstop tears with his thumb. "Go and change, 5 minutes are what I am giving you" He said coldly and Yn immediately rushed inside the washroom, not wanting to waste the time. Jungkook too changed his clothes in the bedroom as no one was there and wore his trousers, not bothering to put on a t-shirt as he laid down on the bed.

Exactly after 4 minutes Yn came out of the washroom wearing trousers with a loose fit t-shirt and her hair tied up in a messy bun. Jungkook looked at her as he raised his eyebrows waiting for her to do something? Yn nodded and went towards the door where the socket was, to turn off the lights as she slowly walked towards the bed and laid beside Jungkook. She took her cold, trembling hands near his waist and hugged him while he did the same as he bought his rough hands towards her petite waist, capturing them. "Goodnight wifey, sleep well" He whispered after leaving a peck on her neck.

The next morning

Jungkook groaned in annoyance as his phone started ringing constantly. He gritted his teeth thinking who has a death wish by calling him early in the morning. He sighed and picked up the phone while looking down at his wife who was sleeping soundly, still hugging waist which made a smile form on his lips. Suddenly his eyes widened in shock and darken when he heard what the person on the other side of the phone said. He cut the call and quickly grabbed the remote to the T.V as he turned it on and opened the news channel.

"Jeon Jungkook seen with a girl last night for the first time! Did the young billionaire found a girl for himself as it is the first time he is being spotted with one! Our cameraman could only get one picture in which we can see it is indeed a girl but her face is not clear, as according to him, the car was at a very high speed."

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