[Part 50]

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"Who's telling you to stop, mafia boy." Yn said as she stared at him with her siren like eyes.

Jungkook's eyes suddenly turned black, jet black as he switched and now he was above her, staring at her like her like a predator stares at his prey, ready to swallow.

He took off his shirt and threw it somewhere as he dived into her neck, finally claiming his property.

"You've gotten bolder wifey, but try to rephrase your words hmm?" Jungkook said while sucking Yn's neck making her moan out loud.

"B-but it's c-correct."

"Hmm. Try again" Jungkook said, making it difficult for her to even say something.

He continued sucking on her neck, waiting for her answer. Yn had her eyes rolled back due to the pleasure she was feeling. She opened her mouth to deny Jungkook but the way he sucked her neck made her lips automatically shut. Suddenly Jungkook sucked on her sweet spot making her let out a high pitched moaned.


Jungkook smirked against her neck when he heard the word from her. Soon both of them were bare, Jungkook only in his boxers, feeling each others nakedness and lost in the pleasure. Jungkook trailed his hands down Yn's body, and stopped right in front of her clit making her shiver.

He looked up at her and smirked when he saw her eyes half closed, lips parted and her heavy breaths making his already heard dick twitch. Without any warning he entered two fingers inside her making her eyes widened. She was about to protest but he started moving his fingers making Yn's head burry deep inside the pillow as she started letting out sinful noises.

"Fuck, you're so tight wifey! If I put myself into you, you'll snap my cock in half." Jungkook groaned as his fingers slipped in and out of her tight heat.

Jungkook felt he was about to explode due to his hard on trapped inside his boxers. He fastened his pace and entered another finger inside her making Yn scream. Finally he started scissoring her as he couldn't hold back any longer and she was showing no signs of getting loose.

"Fuck wifey, I can't control any longer"

With that Jungkook withdrew his fingers from her heat, earning a whine from her and took out his huge member from his boxers that stood hard, proud and red making Yn almost faint.

Fuck, how is this supposed to fit in me?

She thought as she looked at Jungkook with her puppy eyes, hoping to earn pity.

"J-Jungkook that won't fit"

"That's not my name and I will make it fit wifey, don't worry" Jungkook rasped as he aligned his member near her.

Slowly he pushed it inside, looking at Yn who had her eyes tightly shut due to the immense pain.

"Fuck baby, stop being so stiff and loosen up!" He groaned, the tightness of her heat making him loose his mind.

Jungkook couldn't hold back anymore as he pushed inside her in one go, earning a huge scream from her. He quickly bent down and captured her lips, feeling the saltiness of her tears that were pouring out of her eyes. He pecked her across her face, then her neck while whispering sweet nothings and praises.

Jungkook then went towards her chest, taking her globes in his hands as he started sucking on one while he played with the other. He continued sucking on it like a baby wanting their mothers milk.


A sudden thought ran across his mind but he quickly shut it up, not wanting to think any further. When he was done sucking and abusing both her nipples, he left them with a plop and looked up at Yn who slowly nodded her head.

Finally, he started moving inside her, both of them moaning at the feeling of each other. Yn's hands made their way towards Jungkook's soft locks as she pulled him towards himself.

Soon the slow thrusts turned into fast ones, the couple lost in the pleasure.

"M-master... c-cum" Yn moaned

"Fuck wifey, can you hold it a bit longer? Hmm? Hold it for your master? Yeah?" Jungkook said as he thrusted inside her hold in an animalistic speed.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Cum for me baby, hmm cum for me!" Jungkook groaned as both of them came at the same time.

Yn milking his cock as he shot his seeds inside her making Yn moan at the warm feeling. Jungkook continued cumming inside her making Yn moan at the sensitiveness.

"F-fuck pull o-out!" She said as Jungkook was still inside her.

Jungkook smirked at that as he bent down, near her ear and whispered;

"Who's telling you we're ending with one round wifey?"

With that the night went along, Jungkook trying every position that existed on Yn as he fucked her senseless. It was almost 5am when they stopped and Yn was almost in the verge of fainting as she had lost how many time she had cum.

They had ended their final round, Jungkook buried deep inside her and he was calming down from his high. After some minutes he slowly pulled out his cock that felt limp on the bed. Yn groaned lazily at the sudden emptiness but Jungkook was quick to peck her. He removed the comforter covering her and groaned, looking at the cum flowing out of her. He quickly gathered it on his fingers and pushed it back inside her.

Soon after cleaning both of them, Jungkook laid beside Yn and pulled her towards himself. He pecked her on neck when he felt her legs sti shivering from the intense orgasms she had gone through. Suddenly Yn looked up at him, her eyebrows furrowed and a pout on her lips. He looked at her with confusion, waiting for her to say something.

"Put it in inside me"


"Put it in inside me and sleep!"

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