[Part 40]

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"I want to leave dad" She spoke as looked into her dads eyes.

All the others around had frozen on there places especially Jungkook who couldn't understand what was happening.

"What? Leave where princess? Do you want a vacation or-"

"No dad! I want to leave this house! Leave this life! I'm so tired of living like this! Please let me go and let me live my life! I'm not asking for a divorce or something! I just want to live my life like a normal girl and graduate from a university! I just can't take this life! I hate it!" She screamed as tears poured out of her eyes.

Everyone except Yn and Jungkook gulped. All the guys silently looked at Jungkook and oh shit. His eyes... he was back. Taehyung tried to approach him but Jungkook raised his hand, indicating him to stop. He let out a scoff while poking his cheek and turned around, leaving the house with his guards following him. Jimin looked at them as he also followed Jungkook knowing he would crazy.

"Umm... Is everything okay princess? Why the sudden decision?" Kang-min asked Yn who shook her head.

"Nothing is okay dad! I don't like living like this, I feel trapped and... and what not! I just want a break fr-"

"Ask Jungkook Yn" Taehyung interrupted.

"W-what? Why him? I'm asking my fathe-"

"Jungkook is your husband, ask him" Taehyung said as she just nodded her head as all of them went towards the dining room.

Yn's eyes landed on the cake as soon as they entered dining room. Her eyes widened and her mind got filled with confusion.

"W-what's this?" She whispered

"Ahh... Jungkook was going to propose to you. He said he lov- ah never mind you're leaving anyways. Put it aside" Taehyung said in a cold voice while signalling the maids to get the cake aside.

Yn bought her hand near to her mouth as tears gathered in her eyes once more. All of them silently sat on the chairs as they started eating the food.

Meanwhile Jungkook entered the club and on his way grabbed a drink from the waiter while gulping it down in one go.

I want to leave dad
I'm tired of living like this
I hate it

"AHHHHHH" he shouted as he kicked the table, shattering around all the glasses.

Luckily he was in the VIP area so not many people were around. His guards held him as Jimin came running and made him sit on the couch.

"Jungkook! Fucking calm down!"

"Calm down? FUCKING CALM DOWN? ALL THIS TIME SHE WAS FEELING THAT? SHE HATED IT? She should've told me hyung. I'll literally give her anything she wants but... she decided not to tell me" Jungkook scoffed as he continued.

"This is why hyung... this is why I never get my feeling involved cause I know some shit would happen! This was the first and last time I got them involved. After today, this Jeon Jungkook is dead." Jungkook said as he grabbed a bottle of alcohol and started gulping it down.

Jimin gulped as he silently sat beside Jungkook who's eyes were red, filled with rage that could kill anyone just by a look. He knew, knew that everything was gonna go downhill from today. Knew that Jungkook would be the same old one but... more intense, more scary, more cold, and the devil was gonna return.

It was midnight as everyone was sitting in the living room. Yn was scrolling through her phone while the others were sitting silently, staring at the door waiting for Jungkook.

Suddenly the sound of engines broke the silence as everyone looked towards the gate to see cars entering. Everyone stood up as they saw Jungkook getting out of the car along with Jimin.

"J-Jungkook" Yn spoke as soon as she saw him entering the house.

He stopped on his place but didn't look towards her.

"I- can I... l-leave?" She stuttered while fidgeting with her fingers.

Jungkook scoffed as he stared at her, a smile suddenly appearing on his lips that without doubt was creepy? He advanced towards her and stopped when he was so close to her that their bodies were almost touching.

"Why are you asking me? Who am I to allow you to leave or make you stay?" He asked while staring into her eyes deeply.

"Husband" she whispered in an inaudible voice.

"What?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"My h-husband" She concluded earning a loud laugh from him.

"Oh? Husband you say"" He said, still laughing and trying to wipe his imaginary tears.

Suddenly he stopped smiling, his demeanour changing as his eyes turned dark, bloody dark. He bent down at her level, maintaining an eye contact with her before speaking.

"Leave Yn, you're free from the place you hate"

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