[Part 44]

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"Woah! Are you related to Jeon Jungkook or something" The girl said while laughing making Yn freeze in her place.

"W-What? N-no!" Yn replied as she laughed along with the girl.

"I was kidding! You look so tensed up!" The girl said but Yn shook her head.

They talked for about an hour and strangely Yn bonded with her naturally. Luckily the girl didn't ask about Yn's family or anything for Yn felt very grateful but Kaylin did tell her about her family.

"My dad owns a hotel chain in South Korea and he is partners with Jeon Jungkook! My dad has met Jeon Jungkook three times! I wish I was as lucky as him!" The girl with excitement making Yn force a smile.

People celebrate when they meet him 3 times? Wow

"Do you admire Jeon J-Jungkook?" Yn asked Kaylin and she looked at her with a 'are you serious?' face.

"Girl EVERYONE admires him! I'm just one of those million people! Even here in Paris, he's very famous because he owns the luxurious hotels and clubs! Don't you admire him?" The girl asked Yn with a raised eyebrow.

Yn quickly shook her head

"N-no I do! I do a-admire h-him!" She said in a rush making Kaylin chuckle.

Soon it was time for their first lecture and fortunately Kaylin also had the same time-table as Yn's.

"Finally!" Yn breathed out as she plopped herself on the bed after a tiring day at university.

Although it was her first day, she still felt tired. She looked at the time and it was 3pm meaning she had around three hours left to go to the hotel. Yn lazily got up from the bed to take a shower and freshen up. Before she could enter the shower her phone rang making her stop on her steps.

"Hello princess! How was your first day?" Taehyung's voice rang through her ears as soon as she picked up the call.

"It was fun Tae oppa! I even made a friend!" Yn replied in excitement making Taehyung chuckle.

They talked for about five minutes as they had to leave for a meeting and couldn't talk longer with her. Yn sighed as the call ended and entered the washroom.

Seoul, South Korea
9:28 pm

Everyone was seated in grand meeting room of the Jeon's as they waited for the Young Heir to come and start the meeting. Taehyung and Jimin were also seated as this project was a collaboration among the three companies. The meeting was scheduled at 9:30 so everyone knew Jungkook will exactly come a minute before that as it is extremely rare for him to be early or late.

Suddenly the door opened revealing Jungkook with his secretary trailing behind him as he sat down on his chair. The air in the room shifted to a tense and scary one as soon as Jungkook spoke, making everyone straighten their backs.

"Let's start"

"Mr.Jake will represent his ideas first, please stand up" Jungkook's secretary spoke as Mr.Jake quickly stood up, connecting his files to the projector.

The meeting kept on going for two hours as it finally ended and everyone left except the three buddies who were seated on their chairs, scrolling through their phone.

"Jimin-ah do you know today was Yn's first day and university and she even made a frie—" Taehyung spoke excitedly but suddenly stopped when he realised Jungkook was also sitting there.

Both Jimin and Jungkook stopped as they looked up at him. Jimin with a you fucked up look and Jungkook with an emotionless look.


Jungkook didn't say anything as he stood up while grabbing his jacket and left the room, the two boys behind staring at each other.

"Jeez. I will die due to his expressions one day!" Taehyung dramatically said making Jimin chuckle.

Meanwhile it's almost time for Yn to go to her first day at work. She picked up her purse and left as the driver was waiting for her in the parking lot.

After 8 months

Eight months have passed since I last saw you. They say signs of peoples existence slowly fade away when they are far from you but... why do I feel like the desire to be near you is getting stronger day by day? Why am I falling for you deeper day by day? I thought it won't effect me that much but each day I feel like I'm getting trapped by the darkness without you. I see you on TV looking dashing as ever, with your cold , scary looks making everyone shiver.

We were meant to be together but I defied fate, I defied you,
I broke you.
I'm sorry

Paris is cool, Kaylin and I have become closer; She often brags about how her dad met Jungkook. Work at the hotel is also going well although the staff make me feel as if I don't exist. No one talks to me there, the manager only assigns me the work I have to do and leaves.

Dad, Uncle, Tae and Jimin Oppa come to see me often. We even meet twice a month and have dinner together but you never come nor do I have the courage to ask why you don't.

Do you miss me like I do?
Do you hate me so much that you don't want to see my face?
I know what I did was wrong but let me apologise for once.
Let me at least see you once.
I wait for you everyday.
For a call, a message.
I love you.
I miss you.
Please come back to me.

And did I cry while writing this?
And after this... it's gonna be interesting guys 🫶☺️☺️☺️

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