[Part 7]

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The three guys entered the club and everyone started making way for them, some did due to respect but the others did it due to fear. That's how Jungkook made a person feel, fear, and only fear. Entering the VIP area of his own club Jungkook sat down along with his hyungs. His guards quickly stood beside him to guard them mostly from the girls. Jungkook immediately gulped down the expensive alcohol placed on the table to take out all the stress he got since morning. His hyungs just looked at him and sighed, and then continued talking with each other. After having a lot of alcohol Jungkook stood up and went towards a girl.

Taehyung looked at him and shook his head but Jimin patted his shoulder and said "Taehyung-ah, we both know what type of boy he is, we can't force him to change himself and at some point he is right too because it is his first encounter with Yn. He promised us to protect her so let's not worry cause we know how strong he is with his words." Taehyung nodded without saying anything and continued sipping on his wine while Jimin did the same

Meanwhile Jungkook POV

I thrusted into the bitch under me mercilessly, no matter how much she pleased to slow down, I didn't as I need to lash out my anger and this is the only option at the moment. I fucking can't focus on anything as my life has taken a fucking 180 turn which is even becoming difficult for me to digest. Suddenly, I cringed when I heard her moaning under me and wanted to shut her annoying voice so I thrusted into her again to shut her ugly voice but when she moaned with her annoying voice again, I got fucking irritated and pulled out. She looked at me confused but I just wore my clothes and threw money at her cause this is what they want after all.

I went out of the room and saw Taehyung hyung and Jimin hyung looking at me with a confused look because I never come out this early as I usually sleep so maybe that's why. I just shrugged and signaled them that I am going home. After a 15 minute drive I reached home and quickly got out of the car. Upon seeing me, the guards outside of the main entrance opened the door but as I was about to climb up the stairs to go inside, my phone rang. I looked at the called ID and picked it up. After hanging up I climbed the stairs to go inside but to my surprise I saw Yn... running in my direction. She was running towards my direction but her head was turned backwards and when she came near me she bumped into me.

She rubbed her head and before she could say look up or say something I bent down and whispered near her ear "Where are you running wifey? Hmm?" She looked up at me, but as it was dark I couldn't see her face properly. An audible gasp left her mouth when she recognized it was me. I could hear her sobbing but then she stopped and said between her tears, "P-please let me go, I won't tell anyone and just disappear, p-please I don't wanna live here" Huh? Disappear? As if uncle Kim won't find you. Without saying anything, I held her hand and took her to my...our room. I heard her struggling and begging me to let her go but sorry lady, I keep my promises.

After entering the room, Jungkook left Yn's hand and went towards the washroom. Yn could smell alcohol from him so she got more scared thinking what's gonna happen, after all he is a mafia. She stood there for 15 minutes straight until Jungkook came out. Jungkook stared at her and came near her but she stepped back. He continued coming near her until her back hit the wall. Tears filled her eyes automatically thinking he is gonna do something to her but Jungkook didn't come very close to her and stayed at a distance. "Sleep, if you get sick your father and brother are gonna beat me up." He said in a cold voice and went to his bed to sleep.

Yn also followed him and went near the bed but instead of laying down there, she picked up a pillow and was about to go to sleep on the couch when she heard Jungkook sigh. She immediately put the pillow back from where she picked it up.


Is he gonna hit me now? What if he-he forces himself. No no- "Listen, stop being scared and shit cause I ain't gonna do anything with you. I don't even know you, nor do you know me, so just sleep.. and not on the couch but on B.E.D bed ok?" He said and turned around to sleep. Mother fucker how does he not expect me to be scared of him? He's the damn fucking mafia everyone one in the country is scared of. God please help me get out of this hell!

Saying that, she slowly went towards the bed and laid down beside him but as the bed was extremely huge there was still a lot of gap between them.

Next Morning

Yn opened her eyes slowly and stretched herself with a smile visible on her beautiful face as she got the most perfect sleep in her entire life. She looked towards her side to find the other side of the bed empty and sighed in relief thinking she wouldn't have to encounter Jungkook. She stood up and tied up her hair again as it looked as if she had gotten an electric shock. She was tying up her hair when suddenly the washroom door opened revealing Jungkook. He was rubbing his hair with the towel which indicated that he showered. As soon as he came out, Yn looked down at her lap. Jungkook told her to shower and said her clothes are in the closet.

After showering she came out and found a maid standing there. The maid looked at her with a judgmental look and said, "Master has called you, come downstairs" and then left. Yn found her behavior a bit off, but shrugged it off as she thought this is how it works in the house of rich people. She opened the door of the room and tried to remember the way. After struggling she finally found the stairs and went downstairs.

Yn didn't know where to go after this so she just stood at the bottom of the stairs but then suddenly Jungkook appeared from behind her. They both had an eye contact and Jungkook walked forward and signaled her to follow him . They were about to enter the dining room but Jungkook stopped when he heard something "I know right! She's just a slut who wants master's dick and money. I bet she is a money whore who sucks cocks and lets rich people fuck her for money"

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