Chapter Four - Bad Dreams

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Chapter Song - Home by Catie Turner

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Chapter Song - Home by Catie Turner

"Sh baby, you need to stay with your sister," mummy comforts as she leans over the couch. My brother and I hide in the dark corner of our small apartment. Dust and grime stain my clothes further as I confide into the gloomy corner. 

"But mummy, I'm s-scared," Nicky trembles.

"I know, but it will be over soon. Just remember what I always tell you. Stay quiet, stay still and stay hidden," she says, placing a chaste kiss on both our heads before scurrying away from us, just as a loud voice echos through the apartment. 

I encircle my arms around Nicky, holding him close on my lap. His hands clutch tightly at my upper forearms from the sound of a mans loud shout. 

"Come on you bitch! I want what I paid for," the man shouts, Nick and I flinching in each others embrace.

"I'm sorry, please," my mum pleads, her voice whimpering as the man continues yelling. Loud, firm footsteps creak along the rickety floorboards. 

Don't make a sound Daphne. Be quiet, like mouse. Stay quiet, stay hidden, stay as still as a statue. I repeat my mummy's words in my head, over and over like a mantra. 

"Sissy, i'm scared," Nick, my younger brother whispers. His lips blue from the winter chill, quivering as he holds in the unleashed tears, filling his big doe eyes.

I tighten my grip on his small body. "Its okay, just stay quiet," I whisper, pecking his head. His small body shakes in my arms as I hold him as close as possible to my chest. 

Stay quiet, stay still, stay hidden. Don't come out until I say so.

I repeat mummy's words again, over and over, filling my mind with anything else. Trying to drown out my mums crying pleas as the mans loud hits echo.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking right, lets just go to the bedroom," mummy says, her voice shaking. 

I sink further into the corner behind our dusty couch, my arms prickling with goosebumps as the thin long sleeve and leggings covering my small body do nothing to provide heat. 

"Stay quiet, stay still, stay hidden," I whisper to myself, my hands grasping Nicks trembling frail body. 

"Thats what I thought. You're a whore, my whore for tonight," the mystery man grits, an evil chuckle falling from his mouth, before the resounding sound of a slap echos through the small apartment. I squeeze my eyes tight, holding in the hot tears wanting to fall from my eyes as I hear mummy's body collapse to the ground. 

It will all be over soon and mummy will comeback and put us to bed. I just have to stay quiet, stay still and stay hidden.

I shoot up from my bed, my mouth dry as beads of sweat drip down my forehead. My hands are clammy as they grip onto the white bedsheets. The quick pants falling from my mouth create sound in the silent room.

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