Bonus Chapter - Home Run

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Chapter Song - All You Need Is Love by The Beatles

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Chapter Song - All You Need Is Love by The Beatles

"What are Yankees?" Bridie asks, tilting her head as she inspects her child size Yankees baseball jersey. 

I shake my head with a small smile. "They're the best baseball team ever, thats what they are," I answer as I brush through her hair. "And we're going to a game of there's tonight," I say. 

"Are they good?" Hallie asks, her feet swaying back and forth as she sits on the bathroom counter. Dressed in the same jersey and a pair of jeans, her hair sits in two low pigtails with a navy head band to match. 

"Mhm, very," I nod. 

Baseball has been a staple in my life since I was a kid. From playing catch with my dad when I was really little, to playing on the softball team in high school and watching every game with Nick as teenagers. 

I'd never gone to an actual game until a few months ago - a date surprise by Danny. Now we've decided to take the kids to their first game, since Archer isn't as small anymore and can handle louder crowds as of now - but of course still needs ear muffs to drown out the noise.

"Pick two bows," I tell Bridie, and she scrounges around the bow box. 

"These ones!" she exclaims, passing me two dark blue bows for both her braids. 

I smile. "Perfect choice. Now, lets go get our shoes on and get goin'," I tell the girls, and they rush out of the bathroom. 

Making our way downstairs, Danny makes sure they put their shoes on while I go grab Archer from the lounge. "Archie, baby," I sing-song as I enter the lounge room. 

Sat on the floor, surrounded by a mix of trucks and Bratz dolls, he smiles brightly when he sees me. Archer has to be the happiest little baby alive, especially around his family - I like to think he's full of the same love Mrs Mimi was. 

"Ready to go?" I crouch down beside him, his arms instantly going up in silent plead to be picked up. "Okie dokie, lets go get some shoes on," I kiss his chubby cheek. 

Turning the T.V off, I head back down the hallway and to where the girls and Danny are. I sit Archer on the small bench and slip on his sneakers, the girls shooting question after question about baseball. 

"Can we get cheesy fries?!" Bridie jumps excitedly. 

"And slushies!?" Hallie adds. 

Danny laughs. "Of course," he agrees, and they squeal. "We ready to rock and roll?" he asks us all, and I nod. 

Grabbing my dad's baseball cap, I slip it on, taking a glance in the mirror. My hair is down today, sitting just above my elbow, and I can't help but think about my dad. 

I should've had the opportunity to go with him to a game, talk and laugh as we watch our favourite team like we used to. But I can't, and my heart still winces at that fact, but I take pride in knowing I can show his grandkids the best sport and pass his love on to them. 

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