Chapter Twenty Two - Night Walks in New York

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Chapter Song - Linger by The Cranberries

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Chapter Song - Linger by The Cranberries

The past few days have been a little hectic. When Hallie woke up in the early hours of the morning, it took the doctor, two nurses and Danny and I to calm Hallie down who was in hysterics when she woke up in severe pain, with a tube down her throat. 

The doctors had to take it out slowly, although since her throat was still tender and a little swollen it was painful to take out in such an agonising way. I wanted to melt into a puddle of my own tears from watching her in such pain. 

But she powered through it, and was in the hospital for another day before we were able to take her home, where she currently resides on the couch under a pile of blankets.  

The cooler weather is beginning to settle in as we near the end of October, which is already a hassle since I'm running around trying to sort out Hallie and Bridie's costumes for Halloween. 

Bridie is going as Bluey from the kids show Bluey and Hallie is going as a mad scientist. Two very different costumes, one harder than the other to sort out. Bridie's is easy since every second child is obsessed with Bluey, and there's quite a lot of merchandise in stores for the show. A scientist however, well a mad scientist to be exact, is a little harder. 

But I'm getting there - its just the crazed wig, that looks like its been electrocuted thats making me bend my neck to find.  

"A few more spoonfuls sweetie," I tell Hallie gently as I slowly feed her lunch, which is a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup. 

She sighs, but listens. "There you go," I smile. 

"I'm excited to see Granny and Grandpa!" Bridie exclaims as she jumps on the couch, as her and Danny arrive back from a quick errand. 

Tonight the girls are having a sleepover at Danny's parents house as they've peeved him for weeks about the girls staying over for a bit. He caved because both of us are worn out by the week we've just endured, and the girls need a little change of scenery after the chaos of this past week. 

"Yeah, have you packed yet?" I question. 

She gives me a sheepish smile. "I need some help," she admits, and I shake my head with a light smile. 

Not wrong, last time she packed by herself she only packed her stuffed toys, a dress and some socks. Which, not to bad for her first time because she did pack clothes, but not really equipped for a sleepover. 

"I'll help you after this," I tell her and she nods. 

From the corner of my eye I see Danny waltz into the living room. His dark denim jeans hang on his hips and his black shirt hugs his strong torso, which makes it difficult to pay attention on the task at hand - feeding Hallie a hot bowl of soup.

He has this effect on me. Every single time he walks into a room I'm captivated - my body turns into his full control and even if I push the feelings of lust and love down, they still send my mind into a haze. 

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