Chapter Thirty Eight - Bun In The Oven

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Chapter Song - Last Kiss by Taylor Swift

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Chapter Song - Last Kiss by Taylor Swift

"Mary," my voice comes out as a whisper, my eyes focused on the pregnancy test below. 

"Congratulations?" she says and I let out a dull laugh. 

I'm pregnant. Full blown bun in the oven and I'm trying to pretend it's not real, but the positive tests in front of me and my urge to vomit again says otherwise. 

Kneeling down, I hurl into the toilet again, as the reality of being pregnant hits me. I can't believe it, but it's real, I'm pregnant and at the worst possible timing. 

Like honestly? What the fuck?

"Mary," I choke out, reaching out for the glass of water on the bench. She hands it to me quickly and I rinse my mouth out, before taking a much needed glass of water. 

"Daph'," she sighs, kneeling down and rubbing my back softly. "This is the result of unprotected sex," she jokes and I send her a playful glare.

"Not helpful," I say and she snorts. 

"I know, but I'm still trying to comprehend you're pregnant. Like, now? Out of all time and places, the sperm reached you're egg at this point in time?" she sighs dramatically and I scrunch my nose at the picture she painted. 

"Don't talk about Danny's sperm, please," I tell her and she smile sheepishly. 

"Sorry," she apologises. "How about we get some takeaway? Burger? Chicken? Your choice, since you're eating for two now," she glances down at my stomach and it hits me again like a brick to the face. 

My stomach grumbles at the thought of food. "A burger and fries sounds fucking amazing right now," I say and she nods, standing up and heading to place an online order. 

"I'm pregnant," I mutter to myself, standing up and looking at my ragged appearance in the mirror. Geez, I look wrecked.  

Placing a hand on my lower stomach, I suck in a breath at the fact there's a living alive fetus inside me. 

I have to talk to Danny now, I can't not tell him. That would be unfair and even if I don't feel ready to face him, I need to. Not just for me, but Hallie and Bridie. I can only imagine how confused and lost they are.

I've just disappeared and I'm not sure what Danny's told them, but the confusion and hurt must be so overwhelming for them both. All I want to do is drive over and hug them to my chest, protect them with everything in me. 

It's a wonder how Danny and I will end up? But what about Hallie and Bridie, so young, but so aware of everything. For me to just leave without a trace or explanation, how cruel.

I couldn't do that to them, not with all the love in my heart that aches at the thought of them in pain. Everything in me is pulling to go over and comfort their hurt, the pain they must be feeling, mixed with the confusion. 

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