Chapter Thirty Five - War of Words

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Chapter Song - As the World Caves In by Matt Maltese

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Chapter Song - As the World Caves In by Matt Maltese

It's strange how two firm knocks on the door can twist your spine until it snaps. How a simple action could flip everything upside down. 

As the knocks echo from the front door down the hall, Bridie sprints like Santa is at the door. I hear the door open and two deep male voices, and I frown as I make my way down to the entry.

Who could be here?

Bridie stands in front of two police officers, my heart stopping as it crawls into my stomach. I don't like this, I can feel something isn't right. That my glass heart, balancing on the edge, is about to topple over and smash to shards.

As I enter the front foyer, the two police officers look up, greeting me with a polite smile that doesn't reach their sombre eyes. 

"Afternoon officers," I greet, Bridie holding onto my leg with nerves. "Is there a problem?" I ask, my stomach churning wasps. 

"Afternoon, I'm Officer Deacon and this Officer Winchester," The older one introduces the both of them and I smile dimly in reply. 

The two officers share a look. "May we come in?" The older looking officer asks, his greyed hair neatly styled back, as he holds his hat in his wrinkled hands. 

I nod. "Sure, of course," I usher, softly closing the door after they enter. 

As I go to ask again for the reasoning behind their visit, Danny exits his office, obviously confused about the commotion in the entry way. Once he meets the officers, his eyes glaze over with a terrored nostalgia. 

"Officers," he says firmly, his voice hard. "Is there a problem?" he asks my same question. 

I meet his side, Bridie now in my arms as I set her on my hip. Danny pulls me in by the waist, his grip tight as he reaches for me like a lifesaver. 

The officers probably bring up horrible memories for him. 

"Are you Danny Thompson?" The younger looking officer, with dark brown hair that isn't as neatly styled as the older officer, says.

Danny nods. "Yes I am, why? What's for your visit?" he asks calmly, but I notice his throat bob. 

The officers share another glance. "Is there somewhere we can sit?" The older one questions. 

Danny doesn't respond, so I take over. "Of course, just follow us," I smile gently, ushering the officers down the hall, into the lounge room. 

Hallie sits on the couch, nose in her book like always, but peers up with confusion when the officers enter. She gets up quickly and runs over to me, grabbing my hand in her smaller one. 

"It's okay, they're nice," I whisper down to her and she only nods dimly in response. 

As I send the girls upstairs to play, Danny clears off the ottoman for the officers to sit on. "Take a seat here, I'm sorry for the mess. The girls are quite messy," Danny says with a dry chuckle. 

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