Chapter Thirty Two - Knight in Shining Armour

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Chapter Song - Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me) by Train

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Chapter Song - Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me) by Train

"Keep to strict bed rest, maintain and take your medication on time and be slow with getting back to your usual diet and daily routine. Also make sure your intaking the daily recommended amount of water," My doctor tells me, smiling down at me. 

After being cramped in the hospital for a few days, I'm so excited to get out and go home. I miss my bed and I miss my own shower, I just want to get back to the comfort of home. 

"I'll definitely be up to date with everything, thank you doctor," I thank her and she bids Danny and I a goodbye, before she turns on her heel and leaves in a brisk walk. 

I couldn't be a doctor or a nurse, or anyone in the medical field for the matter. One, I'm not good with school or studying, it's not my vibe. Secondly, the schedules are crazy and for what? Crappy pay? I mean seriously, these people save our lives

I lean back in the wheelchair the doctor gave me, since I'm still quite weak and walking is a longer process than usual. So a wheelchair to the car it was and I don't mind, I'm perfectly fine with being wheeled around and not having to lift a crumb. 

"I'm so ready to get home," I say to Danny. 

"Me too, that lounge chair isn't the comfiest thing to sleep in," he chuckles lightly. 

Feeling incredibly guilty still, Danny hasn't left my side since I got to the hospital, not even for a shower or to get clothes. He just showers in the measly, awfully pressured, hospital shower in my room. 

I hate that shower. 

When his parents visited with the girls, they'd bring him some clothes as well. I told him he should just go home and give his parents a break from the girls, since they need one of us with them, but he said 'I'm not leaving you here alone'. 

I don't mind, but I felt a little guilty being so apart from the girls, even if it was a few days. Plus, they seemed to be having a great time with their grandparents anyways, but still

"It'll be nice to sleep in an actual bed again," I say and he hums in agreement. "Also be with the girls again, I miss them,"

"Me too," he adds. 

We continue our journey through the hospital, taking the elevator down to the ground floor and meeting Danny's dad out front of the hospital with his car. 

Danny parks the wheel chair in front of the door to the back seat. "Alright, you ready?" he asks and I nod. 

Danny holds my forearms and I push up off the wheelchair with all the strength I can muster, but stumble, though Danny catches me without hesitation. 

His dad pulls the chair from behind me and out the way, helping support me from behind by placing a steady hand on my back. 

I grip onto the inner door handle of the car, Danny now behind me as he lifts me into the black SUV. He settles me into my seat, grabs the buckle and belts me in. 

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