Chapter Twenty Three - Fervent Touches

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Chapter Song - Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand

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Chapter Song - Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand

Quiet. A sound that rarely occurs in this household, mainly due to Bridie's incredibly loud and confident nature - something I wouldn't trade for the world. 

But I can't lie, it is nice to have some peace and quiet to myself. When nannying or taking care of children, personal time to yourself is quite a rare occurrence, and a time you have to take and use wisely because of it's rarity. 

I only get a handful of quiet moments to myself per week, but I don't mind, the girls are amazing. 

The house is still as I sit and read today's newspaper in the kitchen, my feet swaying back and forth under the island stool i'm seated on. 

I pick a handful of almonds from my small bowl of trail mix - minus the peanuts since those are the only nuts Hallie's allergic to - as I nibble on them. It feels weird taking time to sit and read the newspaper, I almost feel old doing this, but I've always read the newspaper ever since I was really little. 

I've always found it comforting, and reassuring to know everything thats going on in the world. 

Heavy footsteps echo behind me and Danny pops up out the corner of my eye, I focus - try to focus - on the newspaper in front of me, but my eyes betray me and drift over to Danny. He walks around the counter and grabs a mug from the overhead cabinet before pouring himself a cup of already made black coffee. 

"I have to go into work this morning," he says and I frown. Well obviously, it's Monday so a work day and you work like everyday so obviously he has to go into work. I already know this, why is he telling me?

"Okay?" I question, placing my newspaper on the counter, and giving him my full attention. 

He meets my eye. "It's only a short time I need to be there, and I need to make the drive to pick up the girls from my parents house afterwards, would you like to come along?" he asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Oh," I'm surprised by his question. He wants me to come to his work? "Sure, why not," I say casually, even though a pit of new found nerves is building in my stomach. 

"I'll just finish my coffee and grab my stuff, meet you at the front," he tells me, and I nod. 

He walks out with his coffee in hand and I may or may not look at his ass as he walks out of the kitchen. What? I can't help it, his jeans always ride low, but not low enough that they still hug his ass so well

I fold up the newspaper and place it in the middle of the island, before placing my empty trail mix bowl in the sink. 

I quickly head upstairs to slip a pair of black boots on and grab my coat, before I head to the front entry where I find Danny waiting. A few documents sit in his hand, along with his work duffle bag slung over his shoulder. 

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