Chapter Thirty Six - Dire Straits

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Chapter Song - I Found by Amber Run

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Chapter Song - I Found by Amber Run

Thrown with the trash, my hair blowing in the cutting Winter wind. The tears heat my face, but I'm not sure where my emotions went.

Perhaps I left them behind, because as of now I don't know where I'm headed. My feet step in front of the other, the leaves and damp path squelching beneath my boots. The night is alive as always, distant sirens and rustling bushes echo down the silent street. 

People are snuggled inside, maybe in front of antique fireplaces and under hand knitted blankets from their grandmothers. Families surrounding their oak dinner tables, smiling faces as they wait for a warm dinner from their cold day of work. 

I release a shaky breath, my lips shivering and the tips of my nose and ears blush at the crisp air of the early night. The stars are high in the sky, the moon still awakening from his nap and slowly creeping his way into the midnight sky. 

I find myself a lone wanderer, pondering about where to go and what to do. I should call my mum, check on David and Nick, but is it bad my mind isn't with them right now? 

How do I survive such a tear in my life, happy memories now rippling with confusion. That night she was killed, at the hands of my suicidal brother. Who do I mourn? Who do I side with?

My brother isn't innocent, he shouldn't of stolen a car. He shouldn't of taken those heavy drugs and sped down the road into the night of end. He should've searched for help, but it's not easy to muster such courage. 

He stole a life, but does he remember? I don't even remember a night so dark. Or is it only the guilt that lingers? He was choking at the hand of depression, getting buried alive by anxiety, as the two snickered and cackled at his pain. 

Nothing but drinking and drugs his only escape, because even light wasn't bright enough to seep into his black. Yet, how were we not aware? How did we not notice? 

He'd gotten better, stopped his drugs, stopped his drinking and found himself new friends. A healthy balance of school and social life. Delving into football and finding himself through high school and teen fun. 

Now what? He gets sent away to prison? It's evil of me to think he should be free, but what is he to learn, when he already taught himself? He clawed himself out of his self-dug hole and freed himself from that evil. 

But he took a life? Not in his personal control, only destruction was in power that forgotten night and if only I could've seen he wasn't right. That something was wrong with his smile, or jokes or behaviour. 

But would I have met Danny? We wouldn't of been together.

How selfish of me to think theres a silver lining in his ex-wife's death. But I can't help to think where I'd be, would I still be flipping through stupid relationships? Stuck in my measly apartment and only dreaming of selling my art, where now it's a reality. 

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