Chapter Twenty Eight - Do We Still Have Apples?

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Chapter Song - Nights In White Satin by The Moody Blues

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Chapter Song - Nights In White Satin by The Moody Blues

Soft smooth legs intertwined with mine, blonde hair wild and strewn across the pillow and draping along my arm, thats now half asleep from the head laying on it. 

Daphne lets out a muffled moan, rolling further into my chest, her arm loosely draped over my torso. I lean up on my elbow and watch her sleeping figure, her breaths are slow and even as her naked body presses up against mine. 

Warm morning light pierces through the tiny crevices, between the long drapes hanging over the window. 

"What time is it?" Daphne's soft voice questions. 

I tuck a stray hair behind her ear. "Only 7:02am," I answer, a small smile adorning my lips as I stare at her calm sleepy self. 

"Good," she mumbles, snuggling closer into me. "I'm not ready to get up yet," 

"Neither," I roll us over, her body laying on top of mine. 

She groans at the sudden moment and her opens her eyes briefly, squinting at the morning light from the window. 

My hands encircle her waist, as she lays sleepily on my chest. "We should tell the girls today, about us," I say.

Without hesitation Daphne is wide awake in moment and she leans up with the palms of her hands bracing herself, as she stares down at me with surprise. 

"What? You want to tell the girls? I- you don't want to wait? I mean, I just thought-" she begins rambling and I place a finger delicately only her lips to stop her rambling. 

"No, they deserve to know about us, because this is something serious and I'm planning the rest of my life with you in it," I tell her softly, but my tone firm so she knows I'm serious about this. 

I'm serious about this woman. She's another rare light in my life, bright and full of happiness - a person who I've desperately needed in my dim world.

And I won't be letting her go anytime soon. 

Her breath hitches at my words and her eyes stare into mine, no words uttering from her lips for a few moments. "Okay," she answers simply. 

"Okay? Thats all?" I let out a slight chuckle at her brief answer. 

She smiles. "What did you want me to say?" she questions rhetorically. 

I sigh in thought. "Hm, I don't know, something along the lines of 'I'm planning a life with you to, I love you, blah blah and about how I'm just so handsome'," I joke and she laughs, her laughter sweet and addictive like sugar. 

"Fine," she sighs. "I'm planning a life with you and I love you," she says with a shy smile. I tap her bare ass to continue. "And I guess your looks are alright,"

I frown at the last few words, a cheeky smile formed on her lips. In rebuttal I roll her over so I now hover above her. "Only alright?" I question, leaning down and nipping the skin on her neck. 

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