Bonus Chapter - Our Last Slice of Pie

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Chapter Song - Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles

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Chapter Song - Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles

"Baby, no. Get inside," Danny tells me pointedly, stopping me from hauling any shopping bags inside. 

"I can carry the light one, it only has chips and crackers," I say, but he just stands in-between me and the boot. "Fine," I give up, heading inside from the garage at nine months pregnant - and very ready to give birth. 

Honestly, what is it about my belly my children love so much? There must be an entire mansion in my womb, because they love roasting inside me for longer than I intend. 

Making my way into the lounge room, I slump onto the couch and lush in the quiet of the house. The kids are all at my parents house for a few days, so it's nice to lull in the rare quiet this house encounters. Not that I'd ever trade it in for the world, but it really is needed. 

"Did you want anything, baby?" Danny asks, his arms resting around my shoulders as he leans over me from behind the couch. 

I shake my head. "No, I'm all good. I just want this baby out, I'm sick of waddling like a penguin," I half joke, but i'm truly being honest. Penguins are great, but I don't want to waddle like one. 

Joined by Danny a few minutes later, a random sitcom plays on T.V and I watch it with half-assed attention. I would be idly engraved into the sitcom, but the familiar contractions squeeze in my lower stomach and I jolt up. 

The baby's coming. 

Danny instantly notices. Helping me up, to the car, and I buckle myself in as we head straight to the hospital. Our over-night bags were already packed in the car, ready to go for this exact moment - and this time it seems almost slower.

Calm, settled, but that excitement sprints through the pipelines of our hearts, jolting adrenaline through the veins of our bodies. It's a silent excitement, but it couldn't be any louder than how it is in the car with the low radio. 

I hold Danny's hand in mine, and I believe it's my favourite intimate action we do. Holding his hand, his fingertips caressing over my skin in light kisses. No words have to be said, just our skin against the others and it's enough to send any nerve to eternal banishment. 


Our little girl was born at 1:23am in the nightfall of morning. Even in our tiredness, our lazy smiles are so joyously peering down at her sleepy face. With a little beanie, she's bundled up in a blanket and held softly in my arms. 

The nurse takes her shortly after, and only a simple lazy kiss is shared until we're both out like a light. With the morning back right as I fall asleep, the late daylight greets my squinting eyes and provides me a beautiful view of a still asleep Danny. 

"Danny?" I call out to him softly, and he only shifts on the couch. "Danny," I say more firmly, and he sits up slowly, wiping his eyes. 

"Mm," he hums, making his way over to me. 

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