Chapter Forty Three - Shopping for Two

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Chapter Song - Let Her Dance by The Bobby Fuller Four

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Chapter Song - Let Her Dance by The Bobby Fuller Four

Waking up earlier than we already do this morning wasn't pleased by any of us - especially Bridie, that girl loves her sleep. Though Hallie had a science fair meeting and of course it had to be earlier rather than later. 

Bridie definitely isn't to pleased, though she's happily asleep in her car seat. "Lets stop and get some breakfast," Danny says, pulling out of the school car park and heading back out onto the busy morning road. 

I only hum in response, my eyes still heavy from the morning rush, but I'm slowly waking up. Though I need some food and decaf coffee to actually get me working and ticking, more so since we're shopping today for the nursery and that'll be a long day. 

Stopping at a cafe, Danny carries a half awake Bridie inside but she perks up when she smells the warm breakfast foods inside. "Morning, sleepy head," I smile and she reaches over to me to be carried.

"What do you want?" Danny asks. 

I stare up at the menu. "I'll just have the main breakfast and a decaf coffee," I tell him, then Bridie asks for a kids breakfast. 

As he orders, I find a small booth in the corner, Bridie and I instantly taking the same side. "What do you have to get?" Bridie asks, referring to todays shopping trip. 

"A few things. We need furniture, clothes, decorations, and a few more things I can't remember off the top of my head," I tell her and she nods. 

Danny takes the seat in front, leaning back and wiping his eyes. "Bub, if you choose extra curricular's, please consider if they're in the morning or afternoon," Danny says, running a hand through his hair. 

"What are extra coiculars? " she asks, completely butchering the word, but it's adorable as always. 

I smile. "Curricular's," I annunciate for her. "But they're school activities, such as clubs, sports, or teams," I explain. 

"Oh, is that why Hallie was up so early?" she questions. 

I nod. "Mhm,"

As we continue chatting, a waiter comes around and places our coffees and Bridie's hot chocolate down. She instantly goes for the marshmallow on the side and dunks it into the drink, her upper lip covered in foam from her first sip. 

"Here bub, you got a little foam on ya'," I laugh lightly, grabbing a napkin and wiping the foam off her upper lip. She'll get further dirty anyways, but I'd rather not have it drip on her shirt, even if we'll inevitably have a chocolate spill sooner or later. 

Once our food arrives, it's pretty quiet besides Bridie's usual chatter. I always love how she's able to fill the space, I think it's a talent to never be able to run out of things to talk about. 

I just worry others may not love it, and I just hope she never lets anyone silence her or make her feel annoying because of her amazing chatter. But again, I have confidence in my girls, who'll grow into stronger and more powerful women than they already are.

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