Chapter Five - Under the Weather

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Chapter Song - Nellie by Dr

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Chapter Song - Nellie by Dr. Dog

Emetophobia - the fear of vomit.

A fear i'm thankful I don't have. Why? Well let me tell you. This morning at exactly 3:56AM a small pale little girl snuck into my room and shook me awake. 

Her soft voice was croaky as she held her stomach, tears pooled in her sad eyes. Hallie said she had a stomach ache, two seconds after that I was holding her hair back as she vomited last nights dinner and dessert into the toilet bowl. 

It was a quick movement on my part as well, I saw the quick hunch as her shoulders tensed and she stilled to a pale. At that exact moment I knew she was going to spew - i've taken care of my brother and kids to much that it's impossible for me to not know what it looks like when someones about to vomit.

In a hurry, i'd rushed her into the bathroom before she could projectile vomit onto me or Fitzgerald the 3rd - who's come up with the grand idea that my bedroom is the best place to sleep. 

So that was how my day started. With waking up before the sun and having seen, heard and smelt vomit. It really is one of the perks of being a nanny. 

I'm kidding. Obviously. 

"It hurts," Hallie cries as she dry heaves over the plastic bowl I gave her. 

After the hurried events that occurred half an hour ago, with Hallie entering my room and me panicking as I quickly rushed her to the bathroom. We are now calmer and I carried her back to bed and set her up with a bowl, water and am currently taking her temperature. Which is at a astounding 102 degrees fahrenheit or 37.8 degree celcius. Depends where you're from.

Both are scorching. 

"I know sweetie," I comfort, swiping a loose strand of hair out of her face. 

Grabbing a pink scrunchie from her nightstand, I gather up her hair and pull it up into a messy bun, making sure it's off her neck and out of her face. I'd rather not have her get vomit in her hair. 

"Lolli, is Hallie going to die?" Bridie's voice makes me jolt slightly. With widened eyes, I turn and meet her big doe eyes that are full of worry and fear. 

I lean away from Hallie who's still hunched over the bowl, breathing heavily. With a sad smile, I pick Bridie up from the ground and place her on my lap. 

"No sweetie, she's just sick is all," I reassure her and she nods, nuzzling into my arms. 

I place a kiss on her forehead, before telling her to go back to bed. She refrains but after telling her it'll make Hallie feel better, she eagerly leaves. I'll check on her in a few minutes.

"I got a cool cloth and bought some electrolytes," Danny says as he enters Hallie's room again, from taking a quick trip down to the nearest CVS. 

Danny was in my bedroom as soon as Hallie vomited, up and awake instantly. No clue how he heard Hallie vomiting from my bathroom, I guess it must be a 'parent sense' or something.

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