Chapter Thirty - Oh, How You Love Me So

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Chapter Song - Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen

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Chapter Song - Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen

Giving, a sector under the umbrella of love us humans do. We give and help others in times of need, or times of struggle for another, though sometimes we give because it's kind and placing a smile on another's face is truly rewarding. 

I think giving is the better end compared to receiving. I love receiving gifts, although I rather actions or physical touch, it means so much more. Though giving to others, making them smile or adding just a little light amidst the darkness of the world, gives them a new sense of hope and relief you may not even imagine could've occurred from giving. 

Wrapping up the chocolate mud cake Bridie and I baked, I place away the cling wrap back in the drawer, and grab the cake, before walking into the living room. 

Bridie slouches on the couch, a bowl of plain cheerio's in her lap and crumbs surrounding her. If Bridie was to go missing in some god awful situation, just look for crumbs or sticky footprints, they track behind her like snail slime. 

"You ready to go Bridie?" I ask her, though I receive no answer. Not surprised, Bluey is on the T.V. 

I shake my head with a smile, rounding the couch and taking a seat next to her. She munches loudly on a handful of cheerios, majority of the dried cereal just scattering around her mouth and down her t-shirt. 

"Babe, are you ready to go?" I ask her again, thankfully this time she hears me.

"But my show," she whines, a small pout on her lips. 

"We can pause it," I promise her and she nods, relieved. 

Getting up, she places her bowl on the coffee table, which is also an ottoman, and I help brush off the millions of crumbs collected on her clothing. 

She grabs my hand and I lead her down the hallway and to the front door. I place her shoes and coat on, doing the same once she's set, before we go out into the cold winter weather. 

Fortunately we're only visiting the neighbour - our new neighbour. Isabelle is our new neighbour and to my luck she's my age. Though her introduction was short when she knocked on our door to say hi, plus from our short greeting I could see the stress in her eyes. 

A surprise visit seemed perfect on this rainy day. 

We walk down the steps, Bridie splashing into a puddle once we reach the bottom. It's a few seconds before we're hiking up Isabelle's front door steps and I'm knocking on her similar front door. 

"Hello," she greets happily, but also confused. 

"Hi!" I greet cheerfully, happy she's home. "I hope we're not intruding, but Bridie and I thought we'd pay you a little visit, since you're new to the neighbourhood and all," I explain our random visit. 

"Oh, how kind. Yes, come in, come in," she ushers us in quickly, as the small splashes of rain just beginning, as we head into her cozy home. 

"I'm Bridie!" Bridie introduces herself, since the girls were with their grandparents when she popped by. 

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