Chapter Six - Puppy Love

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Chapter Song - It Must Be Love by Madness

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Chapter Song - It Must Be Love by Madness

"Lolli!" Hallie screams and I jolt up, running with slight panic evident on my face, down the hall to her bedroom.

I rush into her room, and see her standing with her hands on her hips in her walk-in closet, starring at the array of dresses with a questioning look.

"Hallie," I sigh, relieved theres nothing wrong. 

The girls really make my heart rate pick up an unhealthy amount everyday. They can be very dramatic, most of the time. All the time. 

"I don't know what dress to wear," Hallie whines, stomping her foot.

I smile as she dramatically falls to the floor, dressed in nothing but her pink Peppa Pig underwear and her hair falls into a complete mess around her. 

Getting the girls up a little earlier this morning was not a simple task and should be ranked as one of the most impossible tasks to complete for a nanny/babysitter. I really think I should be placed in the Guinness book of world records. 

"Okay, what colour do you feel like wearing?" I ask her as she stares up at the ceiling. One thing about kids, you got to narrow down the options and ask questions you know they'll answer. 

She sits up. "Mm, purple!" she exclaims. 

I nod sharply and scan the dresses, picking out a knee length purple summer dress, decorated with white polka dots. 

"This one?" I ask, holding the dress in front of her. 

Her eyes gleam and she nods excitedly. Phew, thank goodness that was easy. Choosing clothes for the girls can end up being an hour long task. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it gets on my nerves - but patience is key when dealing with children. 

"Good. Get dressed and meet me in the bathroom so I can do your hair, okay?" I tell her and she nods, slipping into her dress.

Walking through the girls connected bathroom, I find Bridie half dressed on the floor asleep. Her yellow t-shirt is rolled up her stomach and she's pant-less showing off her blue giraffe undies. I hold in a laugh as I notice some drool dribbling out of the side of her mouth. 

She looks adorable, I feel bad having to wake her up. Bridie is not a morning person. At all. 

"Bridie," I whisper, shaking her figure and she snaps awake with a snort. "You need to get dressed, we have to leave soon," I say and she groans falling back down. 

"Come on, lazy monkey," I say and swoop her up in my arms. 

I grab her pink shorts and slip them on her and practically drag her to the bathroom where Hallie is waiting for me to do her hair. 

"Okay Hal', what hair are we feeling today?" I ask her, she places her finger on her chin in thought.

"Pigtails!" she smiles and I nod. Grabbing the brush, I brush through her messy bed hair, before parting it down the middle. 

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