Chapter Forty Four - When Two Became Three

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Chapter Song - Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root

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Chapter Song - Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root

It's been three days past the given due date of July 5th, the date on my phone reading July 8th and this baby isn't out yet. 

I've tried many methods, from bobbing on those big gym balls, eating dates and sex - which the third one wasn't such a boring method of inducing labour. 

Doctor Grey said it's normal for a baby to be a little earlier or later than the intended due date, but I'm really wanting this baby to be out. I love him already, but walking or remotely doing any form of movement is difficult. 

"I want him to be here already," Hallie whines as she slumps next to me. "Get out of mummy's belly," she whispers 'intimidatingly' to my large belly. 

I laugh at her impatience, because all of us are really expecting this baby boys arrival. "Keep telling him bubba, I know I want him out," I grumble. 

Danny's chuckle resounds from behind me, sending goosebumps across the nape of my neck. "I think he just loves being inside you," he says, the scruff of his beard tickling my ear as he leans down. "And I do as well," he whispers. 

I huff, nudging his face away. "Stop, thats mean," I grumble, earning another low laugh. 

"Don't laugh at me, I'm the pregnant one," I snip and his mouth shuts to a flatline. "Could you get me some more grapes though, please?" I switch from grumpy to happy like Bridie does. 

He shakes his head with a small smile. "Of course," he answers, taking my empty grape bowl and heading into the kitchen. 

As Hallie and I relax on the couch, a sudden loud pitter patter of feet echoes from down the hallway, growing louder as Bridie bursts into the living space. 

Both Hallie and I perk up at her wild burst, watching as she runs around the couch. "Aren't you suppose to be asleep, it's nap time, bub," I try to tame some of her wild hair with my hand, as she plops down next to me. 

She frowns as she stares at my very protruding belly. "He's still in there?" she asks exasperatingly. 

I bite back an amused smile. "Yep, sorry baby," I say and she collapses dramatically back on the couch. 

"Here are your grapes," Danny passes me my bowl, pressing a soft kiss on my lips. "And you, silly goose, are going back to bed," he scoops up a sleepy Bridie, as he disappears down the hallway with her in his arms. 

Hallie snuggles beside me, her gaze focused on her Harry Potter book - a series she's whizzing through in record speed. I continue watching Grey's Anatomy, thankfully not at all getting queasy from the surgical scenes - it would've been a tragedy if I couldn't of watched Grey's for a total of nine months. 

It's quiet as the tree's outside sway and the afternoon birds chirp, the sky growing into it's hazy orange as it prepares for sun down. The days have grown in suspense as we wait for me to go into labour, every movement or minute could be the moment it all goes crazy. 

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