Chapter Twenty - Arts 'n' Crafts

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Chapter Song - Walk Like An Egyptian by The Bangles

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Chapter Song - Walk Like An Egyptian by The Bangles

"I'm bored," Bridie whines as she drags herself into the living room, flopping herself onto the couch next to me. 

I'm bored. 

Two words and seven letters. Which to any parent or caregiver, those words are quite literally the most annoying and most used words that come out of your child's mouth. No matter how wide and grand their imagination may be, they never fail to run out of patience and lose interest in every activity or toy they have at one point, on one day. 

Today is the day - out of many i've experienced - where Bridie is once again bored. Though I get it, she's use to having Hallie around to play with her. Whether its playing house, dolls, or hide 'n' seek, because no matter how fun I am - I'm not her sister. 

I lower the volume of the daytime T.V show I've been half watching while I sketch. The show is quite interesting, though the plot is little all over the place. 

First of all the main character is a girl who works in a book shop, then she meets this guy while working and they're 'soulmates' I suppose. But the man is this famous rich guy, but she doesn't know that, so through the show he's been keeping it a secret from her - no clue how, because he's famous and has people following him all the time. 

Anyways, they've been dating for a while in the show, but we - the audience - just found out that the man is actually her brother and his father is her dad, but the dad only wanted boys so he left the main girl at a church to be adopted or what not. I know, barbaric, but captivating non-the less. Besides the incest. 

"Hm," I hum, turning towards Bridie who remains slumped against one of the many array of decorative cushions. "Have you played dolls?" I ask, she nods. 

"Legos?" I ask, and I receive another dim nod. "Have you asked your dad to play Hide 'n' seek?" I ask. 

She sighs dramatically. "He says he'll play later, because he's busy," Bridie grumbles and I nod. 

Danny has been quite busy with work, but thats what I was hired for. He's a busy single father and doesn't have the time to give his full attention to his daughters everyday of the week.

I relax back into the couch, trying to think of something. Which takes a few moments as I look down at my sketch book and an idea dings in my mind like a microwave finishing heating your meal. 

"Follow me," I tell Bridie and she frowns, but follows me as we make our way off the couch and into the kitchen. 

She follows behind me with a new eagerness as I walk towards my art corner. Scrambling around my brilliant mess that looks like a hurricane to any outsider, but to me is completely organised to my perfection and needs. 

Grabbing a basket, I pluck a heap of paints, brushes and cups. "Can you hold this, sweetness?" I ask Bridie and she nods enthusiastically, taking the filled basket with a small 'hmph'. She finds difficulty in the heavy basket at first, but re-adjusts until it fits comfortably in her small arms. 

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