𝑵𝒐𝒕 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕- 𝑫𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒋𝒂𝒉

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Context:The Mikaelsons held a party a month ago where Elijah and Damon made out drunk. Ever since that day, Damon and Elijah never really spoken to each other. Rebekah saw this and decided to held another party to make Damon and Elijah talk to each other.

Damon's POV:

Rebekah was holding another party. She invited Stefan and I to go to the party. I wasn't really up to it. Last time the party ended differently when Elijah and I made out. Of course I had feelings for him, but I didn't know if he rowed in the same boat as I do. I wouldn't say I regretted what happened at the party, but ever since the incident, Elijah never spoken to me yet.

I would always tell Alaric how hard it was for me to ignore him and forget about that night. Alaric was really helpful on the advice. He was a good friend. He told me to confess my feelings to Elijah. No matter where I looked, I never really seem to find him. I've tried looking for him at the Mikaelsons house, but he wasn't there either.

Klaus or Rebekah would usually open the door and tell me, he's out or he's not in Mystic Falls right now. I hated it, he kept ignoring me like I didn't exist. Stefan made even a bigger problem out of it. He said if Elijah ever returned, he would dagger him. He also said that Elijah was a dick for ditching me. I knew no matter how much Stefan and I fought, we still stick up for each other.

"You're going to that party or not?" Stefan asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know. Barbie Klaus just decided to throw it." I said with cold voice.

"Yeah well it'll get your mind off Mister I'm-ditching-the-guy-who-likes-me-because-I'm-an-idiot. You're going so get ready."

"And you already are?" I asked.

"Nope, gotta look good for my boyfriend, but seriously finish up, you know I'm not allowed to touch your car."

"Fine, fine, you win this time, I'll get ready."

"Good, because the last month, you've been really depressed lately."

I rolled my eyes at Stefan. Though he was right, I hated it when he was right. I vampire sped to my room and got out a black suit. Black always looked good on me, so most of my clothes would be black. As I finished up doing my hair and putting on my favorite cologne, I heard someone clear their throat. I saw Stefan smirking at me.

"Trying to look good for your boyfriend, brother?" Stefan asked.

"Oh shut up." I said sarcastically.

We walked out and got into my car. One thing Stefan was right about, was the fact I was trying to look my best for Elijah. I didn't know if he was going to be there or not.

Elijah's POV:

"Will you stop brooding brother? Damon has been trying to talk to you since that kiss. But all you want to do is be daggered." Rebekah lectured me.

"Yeah Elijah, I even had to hide that dagger so you wouldn't get to it. And no, I will not be daggering you." Klaus backed up Rebekah.

"Please, I cannot face him. I don't know if he even feels the same way." I said.

"You do realize, Stefan is my boyfriend. He told me how much Damon is depressed, the guy takes more shots of bourbon than usual." Klaus said with a serious tone.

"Fine, I'll talk to him."

"Damn right, you will." Rebekah stated.

I head upstairs and changed my suit to a white one. These formal parties were not my favorite. Though, it was Klaus and Rebekah, they loved the theme too much. As I finished, I walked out to see people start arriving. I noticed Katherine and walked towards her. I needed someone to talk to.

I descended from the stair and noticed she was already following her prey. Some people never change, do they. I saw Stefan with Klaus and knew he was here. I was about to walk back upstairs when I bumped into someone.

Damon POV:

I knew he was here. Klaus and Rebekah knew exactly what was going on. As I was walking trying to spot him, I bumped into someone. I saw him standing in front of me. As he was about to walk away, I grabbed his wrist.

"Uh-uh, we're gonna talk this out." I said.

He nodded and we walked upstairs. It's better to do this in private, before all of Mystic Falls know. We got to his room and walked in. I leaned against the door frame as he sat on his bed.

"About the other night-"

He cut me off. Which was rude, but what had came out of his mouth shocked me.

"I have feelings for you, Damon."

I stood there shocked. I found half ridiculous too, to think he was ignoring me, because he regretted it.

"I'm in love with you too, Elijah." I said.

He smirked at me as he vampire sped to me. He kissed me and I kissed back. It soon deepen as I gave him access and his tongue slipped into my mouth. He pinned me to wall as he started kissing my neck. I moaned as he found my sweet spot. I quickly switched positions with him and kissed his neck.

I found his sweet spot and he moaned. I smirked against his skin and threw him on the bed. I got on top of him and slowly kissed him lower while removing his shirt. Once his shirt was completely removed, I started biting and sucking his nipples and he moaned. I kissed lower until I reached his pants. I unbuckled his belt.

I removed his pants and stroked him, he gave loud groan. I smirked at how flustered he looked and removed his boxers. I grabbed his dick and slowly stroking it. I began jerking him off as he loudly moaned. I came up to his ear.

"Be a good boy and don't make a sound. If you do, you might get a punishment." I whispered in a low voice.

I licked his dick and began sucking him. I started off slow and then faster. I knew he wasn't going to stay quiet for long. As I took his cock in, I sucked and licked it.

"Awww fuck Damon~" He moaned.

I smirked and went faster this time.

"I'm... going to... Ahhh~" He moaned as he came into my mouth.

I swallowed every drop of it. I moved a bit lower and teased his hole with my finger. He moaned a the touch. I slowly thrusted a finger in him and began slowly. Once he adjusted to it, I began faster and rougher making him moan. I added another finger and went even rougher.

He soon hit his second orgasm. I knew he was ready.

"Ready to my cock?"

"Yes...please fuck me."

I thrusted my dick into his hole. I thrusted faster and harder. He moaning under me.

"God, your so tight."

He moaned into response, I kissed him as he moaned into my mouth.

"Please faster."

"You can't get enough of me, can you?"

I went even faster and harder. As he moaned, it was music to my ears hearing him. I kissed his neck.

"You're so fucking good. Taking my cock like a good boy you are." I praised him.

He soon hit his third orgasm, and a while later I hit mine. I laid next to him and smiled. He looked at me and we kissed.

"Need help getting to the shower?" I asked teasingly.

"Haha, very funny." He said sarcastically.

A/n: I know this was kinda rushed, but it's my first time writing gay smut

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