𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐈.𝐃 - 𝗝𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀

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A/n: After watching The Tutor, I decided to ship them just cuz

The phone rang. Miles picked it up as he was heading to the kitchen. It didn't bother him as much since he knew Flora would be checking in on him after he had moved. She was his sister after all. He swiped to the accept button.

"Hello?" He asked into the phone.

"Hi, is this Miles?" The voice asked.

"Yeah, who is this?" He asked while grabbing the popcorn bag and putting it into the microwave.

"What's that noise?" The caller asked.

"Y'know, some popcorn. I plan on watching a horror movie." Miles answered and set a timer.

"An interesting genre, you chose." The voice remarked.

"What's not to like about watching idiot blondes trip over air and dying by the hands of a brutal murderer?" Miles asked with a smirk.

He walked into the living, turning on the TV. He closed the curtains, to make it darker. It was always made the movie much scarier. It was like sitting in a theater, but alone. He preferred it that way. It just had a bigger effect on how the movie would play out.

He made his way towards his apartment door, locking it. He didn't want any intruders in his house without him knowing. He heard the microwave stop and went back into the kitchen again, getting a bowl from the cupboard. He took out the popcorn from the microwave, closing it. He threw the popcorn into the bowl, discarding the bag.

"What's your favorite horror movie?" The caller asked him.

"Probably Child's Play." Miles answered him.

"It's about that doll, right? The one with the red hair and the goal to drive the mom crazy?" The caller asked.

"Yep, that's the one." Miles told him.

Miles sat down onto the couch. He put the popcorn onto the coffee table. He got comfortable under some blankets and put the bowl on his lap. He grabbed the remote and started playing the movie.

"You look so cute sitting on the couch." The caller told him.

"What...what did you just say?" Miles asked, freezing on the spot.

"I said that you look cute sitting on the couch, covered with a blanket." The caller answered him. "You'd look hotter, sitting in my lap." He added.

"Who are you?" Miles asked him.

"I'll give you a hint. I sit next to you in Chemistry." The caller answered him.

"Plenty of losers sat next to me in Chemistry." Miles sighed, annoyed.

"Oh...but you know me." The caller told him.

Miles wasn't sure who it was. He knew plenty of people in Chemistry. He always had since he was in group projects with them. The caller didn't exactly make it easy at all. He could've been any of the guys that Miles worked with. Maybe it was that freak, who thought that it was funny to play a prank on him.

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