𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒔𝒕 - 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒇𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒉

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Context: Len decided to plan another heist to announce he's back in Central City. Also for a bit of attention from his boyfriend, The Flash.

It was just a normal day in Central City, well if you include it getting attacked by meta-humans, banks being robbed faster than you could no, heroes that stops them, then it is. We can't forget the infamous relationship between Captain Cold and The Flash, can we? They're the main talk in Central City. Everyone being surprised their favorite hero had a relationship with a villain. Even more interesting that he was Bi as well. The talk couldn't stop in Central City about it.

Leonard looked at the TV displaying him and his sister as wanted. It made him proud the City knew who he was. Also that they should fear him and his sister. Lisa walked out of her room, joining him. He knew 'Vibe' would most likely get distracted by his sister. He never really understood her relationship with Cisco.

Then again, Lisa didn't understand his relationship with Barry. In her eyes, Barry wasn't too bad. He made her brother happy and that was all she could care about. But he had his moments where she wanted hit some sense into him. The time where he flirted with Iris the day Len and Barry met. Or the time when Barry asked Cisco to find out by her if Len was gay, even though she found it cute, he should have asked Len himself.

She watched the TV and smiled. She'd have Cisco's attention by now. It made her think, how Len never really approved of him. But he knew Cisco made her happy, so he never said anything. Just like Lisa hasn't said anything about Barry.

"Ready, baby sis?" He asked.

"Let's do this Len." She said grabbing her gun as she left.

"All we can hope now is for the Flash to stop them."

"I do hope so or my visit was a waste." Len said as he grabbed his gun and left.

As Len walked out climbing into the driver seat, he made sure Lisa was alright. They were now driving to a bank ready to rob it.


Barry was running late again towards the crime scene. Unfortunately for him, Julian was already there. How much he hated that man's guts. He never seemed to make Julian go away. The consequences of Flashpoint, which Barry recklessly haven't thought about. Joe patted Barry on the shoulder.

"Good luck." He whispered.

Barry nodded as he crouched looking at the husks examining it. There was something strange about it, like it was some dead skin. He moved closer to take a better look. Julian scoffed next to him, and Barry rolled his eyes. Joe came back and Barry got up.

"Anything?" Joe asked.

"It some kind of husk. It's like dead skin, as if the person-" Barry was cut off his sentence.

"Had some sort of shell. It's quite obvious this was the works of a meta-human." Julian so rudely finished the sentence.

"I'm sure, Barry could've explained it better, Julian. But thank you for the information." Joe said sarcastically.

"Your most welcome, detective." Julian said with a sarcastic smile.

"Learn, how to talk to a good detective. You don't get to disrespect CCPD's finest." They heard a voice behind them.

Lisa was standing there with all her glory and walking towards her future brother in law. Barry let out a relieved sigh. She stood next to Barry as Julian tried not to pay attention to her. He left the sight leaving Joe, Barry and Lisa there.

"Welcome back, Leas." Barry said.

"It's good to be back. I told Len to drop me off here. He's robbing a bank, waiting for The Flash to catch him." She smirked.

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