𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉 𝒐𝒓 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒆- 𝑹𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆

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Context: Beverly and Bill saw chemistry between Richie and Eddie. So they decided to play t or d to get them together.

Bill's POV:

Beverly convinced me to help her with a party. She called it a celebration party since we defeated the stupid clown. We invited everyone in our club. It was really a cover-up to get Richie and Eddie alone. Everyone in our group could agree those two had chemistry. Except they didn't see it and trust me all of us are surprised.

The party was held at our hideout under the ground. It was something Ben showed us, we continued building there. Made it look a bit better. It was Richie's idea to make rooms, so there were two. The bathroom and an extra room in case we played seven minutes in heaven or spin the bottle. He was usually the one with the dirty comments.

Beverly actually planned the entire thing out. Obviously Eddie wasn't going to give bad and dirty dares. So we just made a rule for Richie not to. I'd use my dare as an advantage to get them together.

Eddie's POV:

After this whole clown charade, Bill and Bev decided to throw a celebration party. Inviting only the losers club. That included me, Ben, Richie, Beverly, Bill, Mike and Stanley. I was really excited for it because, Richie would be there. Beverly made it clear we're going to play truth or dare and spin the bottle. Which made it harder for me to hide my crush for Richie.

It got late, so I quickly ran downstairs and out of my house. I was lucky my mom wasn't there. As I rode my bike to our little hideout Ben made, I kept thinking what might happen at that party. Knowing Richie, he'd probably give us dirty dares to do. Which I certainly won't stand for. They know I was raised a fucking germaphobe.

I stopped at the hideout. I saw a few bikes, showing everyone was there. I was the only that was late, as I quickly got down. Everyone was already sitting and to my luck, the only place open was next to Richie. I made my way to the group and sat down. Bev and Bill smirked at each other while they looked my way.

If this was all planned out, I swear to God.

"You're almost always late Ed." Ben remarks.

"When, your mother is as strict as mine, you can't always get out the house." I said.

"O-o-okay g-guys since Eddie i-is here, sh-shall we s-s-start?" Bill stutters.

Bill always had that condition since his brother got eaten by a killer clown. Though we never judged because, he's been trying to stop it from happening.

"Yeah. My turn, Mike truth or dare?" Bev asked.

"Truth." Mike gave a serious reply.

"So, have you ever had a crush on one of us before?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm not saying which one though."

"Oh come on, that just ruins the fun." Richie said.

"Well too bad, anyways, Ben truth or dare?"

"I'm going truth, since dares aren't really my thing."

"Okay, have you ever gotten scared with your encounter with Pennywise?"

"Yeah, quite a lot. He made me run out of the fucking library."

"Not the best thing to happen. Bill, truth or dare?"


"What was your worst fear?"

"F-f-feeling guilty about G-georgie's d-death."

"That's fucked up, Bill." Stanley said.

"Y-yeah, I-I-I know. Eddie truth o-or d-dare."

"I'm choosing dare since you guys haven't."

Bev and Bill smirked. Ben gave Stanley and Mike a knowing look. What the actual fuck was about to happen??!!?? I didn't agree to this shit.

"O-okay, do s-seven minutes i-in h-h-heaven w-with R-richie. Except i-it won't b-be just s-seven minutes."

My eyes widened. I was supposed to stay in a room with Richie. For how long we wanted it. Richie and I got up and walked to our extra room.

Richie's POV:

All I could say is, I was about to give Eddie a lot of mixed feelings. And it's gonna be so fucking fun. We walked into the room, and Eddie closed the door. I immediately pinned him to the wall. This was going to be a helluva ride. Quite literally and figuratively.

I began kissing Eddie as he slowly kissed back. I smirked, deepening it. Making a moan escape his mouth. I took the advantage and slipped my tongue into his mouth. I kissed him more roughly, slowly moving my one hand towards his bulge. I start to kiss from his jawline to neck, slowly.

I finally cupped him, and he gasped. I began kissing him roughly on his neck, desperately trying to find his sweet spot. I started rubbing him and he softly moaned. I bit and kissed his neck, until he moaned. I removed his shirt since we can't have that on. I continue to kiss him but, started going lower.

He moaned and gasped when I sucked and biting his nipple. After a while, I slowly moved down. My one hand was still on his bulge. I quickly moved it to his pants, using both of my hands to remove his pants. I looked up and gave him a look. He nodded and I removed his boxers.

I heard Eddie's breathing sped. Since he had asthma, I was afraid I have him a little too much to handle. Before even continuing, I looked at him.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, this is just the first time. It's a lot to take in." He replies through a pant.

"It's okay, Ed. We'll do this another time." I said giving him a serious look.

A/n: What's up, y'all Horny fucks. There will be a part 2 to this, but when they're actually grown up. Because I'm not gonna make minors have sex. Bad representation for the younger readers. Also, I made Richie soft, because he looks like the type that would do aftercare.

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