𝑻𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔- 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚

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Context:Harry and Draco are working at Hogwarts, Harry is the DADA teacher and Draco is the Potions teacher. They've been flirting with each other, but never really made a move.

Also no Hinny or Drastoria

It was a normal day for Harry. He had nothing to worry about. Though he didn't know how to tell Draco, he liked him. Their constant flirting made him fall for Draco. He didn't know how to approach it, they were rivals in school. Even if they made peace, it was hard to admit it.

As Harry stood in front of the mirror, thoughts rushed through his head. He couldn't take the constant flirting anymore. He just wanted Draco. He knew it was going to be a wrong move, but he was going to kiss Draco. Even if it might ruin their friendship (could you even call it that) completely. He got dressed and walked towards the Great Hall.

Harry was the DADA teacher here and Draco, well, he was the Potions teacher. Usually after school they would visit each other and talk. Though in some cases they'd flirt. It was a constant thing after that. The bell rang and Harry hurried to his first class of the day. It was both Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Harry smiled to himself at the thought. The time Professor Snape, teamed Harry and Draco together. Draco did everything to be with someone else, but Snape refused and Draco had to work with Harry. They did end up making an excellent potion. Unfortunately the potion they were assigned to was a poly juice potion. Let's just say, Harry kept getting hard everytime he looked in a mirror.

That was also the beginning of Ron and Hermione's bet that Drarry would happen. Hermione betted 15 galleons it will and Ron 10 galleons it won't. Till this day Ron and Hermione have the bet. Though Hermione was determined after Harry introduced Draco to them. Luckily Ron was oblivious to it and made good friends with Draco. Hermione works here at Hogwarts too as the Transfiguration teacher.

She needed to keep a close eye on Draco and Harry. Harry walked into his classroom. He noticed how Rose and Scorpius were always bickering with each other. Or usually the one would get the other in trouble. If that wasn't Hermione and Ron 2.0, he didn't what was. Everyone grew quiet as he stood in front of them.

"Alright everyone, we'll be learning about boggarts. Can anyone tell me what a boggart is?" Harry asked the class.

He noticed Rose and Scorpius' hands up. He never really favorite his students like Snape did, they all got a chance to speak.

"Yes Mister Malfoy."

"A boggart is something that turns into your worst fear, sir."

"Correct Mister Malfoy. 5 points to Slytherin. Now, does anyone know the counter spell for a boggart?"

Again they're hands were the only ones up. Harry noticed Avery asleep at the back. And decided to ask her.

"Avery, what's the counter spell for a boggart?"

Avery awoken and didn't know what was going on.

"Excuse me sir?" She asked.

"Tell me, Miss Longbottom, what's the counter spell for a boggart?"

"I don't know sir."

"5 points from Gryffindor for sleeping in my lesson. Does anyone else know the answer?"

Rose held up her hand. Harry knew she was the brightest in the class.

"Yes Miss Weasley."

"It's Ridukkulus sir."

"Correct Miss Weasley. 5 points to Gryffindor. This is very important, because in tomorrow's lesson you'll be facing one. The spell is in on page 33, learn it."

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