𝐈𝐟 𝐖𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐁𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 - 𝐖𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐤𝐚

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Part One of You're Not A Mistake

Bruce pressed his hand onto the diary. The diary that used to belong to Jerome. Now, it was only an artifact of his past. He was surprised that Jeremiah had kept it. Since he always shared a hatred for Jerome as much as Bruce did. It was out of character for him to keep the diary.

It meant nothing. Bruce saw how obsessed Jerome was about killing him, Jim and Jeremiah. He didn't want Jeremiah to go down that path. He wasn't his brother, he was different. Jeremiah wasn't crazy, not to Bruce. He found the idea of a base made out of a labyrinth quite smart and strategic.

Jeremiah looked at him. He wore the same face as Jerome, but was different. He was so much prettier and better. Those hazel eyes shared more than just a look of fear, there was something behind it. Bruce knew those eyes, because he saw them in Jerome.

"Your brother's dead, Jeremiah." Bruce told him. "He's not going to hurt you anymore." He added.

They moved away from the diary. Jeremiah farther away from Bruce. He turned around to look at the raven-haired boy. The one that he was so infatuated with since they met. The one, who truly understood him than anyone else. He didn't want to hurt Bruce out of everyone else.

"Bruce...I need to tell you something." Jeremiah told him. "When Jerome died that night...there was a gift on my desk. It was said that it came from your company, but when I opened it, it was a clown and a voice message from Jerome." Jeremiah gave Bruce an apologetic look. "He sprayed me with a formula that Scarecrow specifically made for me. The last sentence from his voice message was that I had to carry out his legacy." He explained.

Bruce backed away slowly. Jerome had sprayed his own brother. Only to do his dirty work. He sighed as he turned around. He knew what Jerome had said at somewhat execution. Jeremiah was nothing like Jerome, or maybe he was.

He looked back at Jeremiah. He walked closer to the redhead. He knew what he was about to do, was risky, but he was willing to take that risk. If Jeremiah was just as crazy as Jerome, then only in Gotham was Bruce willing to kiss a madman. Despite everything, he fell for Jeremiah. Maybe he fell too quickly to see the bad side of the redhead.

"You're nothing like him." Bruce said, locking eyes with the redhead.

He leaned in and so did Jeremiah. They kissed before pulling away. Both of them looked at each other before kissing again. Bruce wrapped his hands around Jeremiah's neck. Jeremiah gripped his waist tightly, which caused him to gasp into the kiss. The kiss deepen.

Jeremiah picked him up, placing him on his desk, and Bruce instinctively wrapped his legs around the redhead's waist. They pulled away gasping for air.

"You sure you want this?" Jeremiah asked.

"I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't want it." Bruce replied with a smirk. "Just wipe that make-up off, I prefer to see the real you." He added.

Jeremiah hesitated. What if Bruce wouldn't like him for the he was? What if he stopped and cowered? He heard Bruce sigh. The raven-haired boy took his sleeve, wiping away the makeup. Pale skin and red lips started to show.

"You still look pretty." Bruce reassured him.

Jeremiah kissed him. He kissed back. It started getting more heated and hungry. Both of them desperate to remove the other's clothing. They were drinking up each other. Taking in every single part of each other.

He removed Bruce's shirt. Jeremiah kissed from the raven-haired boy's jawline to his neck. He started sucking and biting Bruce's neck. In response, the raven-haired boy moaned. He smirked against Bruce's skins before kissing his collarbone. Bruce pulled him closer with his legs.

Bruce removed Jeremiah's tie and unbuttoned his shirt while they were kissing. It left he redhead shirtless, too. Jeremiah picked him up and pinned him against the wall. He let out a strained moan, gripping Jeremiah's shoulders tightly. They fitted like a puzzle. Jeremiah kissed him and lowered his hand on Bruce's hard-on.

"Want me to fuck you against this wall like a slut?" Jeremiah asked him.

"Fuck, yes." Bruce replied.

Jeremiah unbuckled Bruce's belt. He unzipped the raven-haired boy's pants. He removed both the belt and pants, leaving Bruce in his boxers. He kissed the raven-haired boy's neck.

"'Miah, please. Please just touch me." Bruce begged.

"Well, how can I say no to that?" Jeremiah teasingly asked.

He removed Bruce's boxers. Precum was dripping from his tip. He kissed Bruce before starting to jerk him off. The raven-haired boy moaned at the touch.

"I don't know what I just walked into, but get your clothes on and let's go. Harvey's waiting outside and I will too." They heard Jim's voice.

Jim left the room. Bruce and Jeremiah looked at each other almost slightly confused. They weren't sure why Jim was here.

"We're definitely not talking about this to Jim." Both said.

"Agreed, but we're finish this at my house." Bruce agreed.


Me not updating this for an entire while: Hey, how y'all doin'?

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