𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 1920𝒔- 𝑲𝒍𝒆𝒇𝒂𝒏

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A/n:Just to clarify, I haven't watched TVD in ages so this might be inaccurate.

New Orleans
Stefan's POV

I have met Rebekah a few weeks ago at this ball, where she introduced her hot brother to me. His name was Nicklaus Mikaelson, but I have learned, he goes by Klaus. I respected that and called him by that. We had the best night together. Mostly because we fed on some humans. Klaus and I gotten along well.

As those weeks had passed, my feelings for Klaus only grew. We both would flirt from time to time. Sometimes we had sexual tension between us. I wasn't complaining, it took self-control not to kiss him. That was what I wanted to do. But I didn't know if he had the same feelings for me.

I was about to get ready for the party, I had to attend with Klaus and Rebekah. As I finished up I left the room I was staying in for a while. I had compelled the owner to give me a room for free. As I walked down the stairs, I met with them. I especially focused on Klaus. He was hot and I meant it.

I just wanted him to fuck me hard. I don't even care. We went to the ballroom and there were thousands of people dancing. Klaus smirked.

"We should choose two to bring up to our rooms. Without them questioning." He said.

"We dance. And compel the one we want." I suggested.

Klaus thought it was a good idea and we went into the crowd of people. Soon Klaus and I found our victim. We brought her to my room. We started biting into her and drinking her blood. She soon passed out due to loss of blood. I had to admit Klaus looked hot with the blood on his face.

He vampire sped to me and instantly kissed me. I kissed back, he pinned me against the door and the kiss deepen. We suddenly heard a knock and it was Rebekah.

Klaus' POV

As much as I loved my dear sister, she couldn't have come in a bad time. I've finally stopped this sexual tension that was going on between me and Stefan. I wanted him. But it got interrupted by Rebekah. I opened the door and Rebekah stood there worried.

"What's wrong, Bekah?" I asked.

"The man I've compelled, he was a vampire." She explained shortly.

My eyes widen. What would a vampire be doing here? But then again it was New Orleans. I left Rebekah there and searched the entire city with Stefan. In the end, Stefan found him. We've questioned him and he refused to answer.

Stefan staked him after. Let me tell you that was the hottest thing I've ever seen. We both went back to make sure Bekah was safe. When we got there, the ball ended and she sat on the stairs. Stefan sat next to her, comforting her the best he could. If I don't marry this man immediately.

"It's all my fault. I was so stupid, not to realize he was a vampire." Bekah said with a disappointed voice.

"It's not your fault, Rebekah. No one knew he was one. " Stefan said.

"Stefan's right, Bekah. No one knew there would be vampires in the crowd. Besides, Stefan and I took care of it." I said.

A few moments later, we walked back to our rooms. I wasn't letting the fact that I was making out with Stefan slide. I wanted him and I have him.

Stefan's POV:

I got to my room after comforting her. I kept thinking about how Klaus and I made out. I just wanted him. And I'm not allowed to have that. I heard a knock on my door and it was Klaus. Out of nowhere, he kissed me.

I kissed back and put my arms around his neck. He pins me directly against a wall, kissing me roughly. I felt him grind against me and moaned into his mouth. He smirked against the kiss. He licked my bottom lip and I gave him access without hesitation. He ripped off my shirt.

And began attacking my neck. Kissing, biting and sucking it. I moaned again. He picked me up and carried me to bed. He kissed lower and began biting and sucking my nippled. I gasped loudly.

He slowly kissed lower until he reached my belt. He removed my pants and cupped me. I uncontrollably moan again. Whatever this feeling was that he gave me, I loved it. He slowly removed my boxers. Immediately he started stroking me.

He licked my tip and started taking me in. I moaned again. He started going slow and steady. I was overwhelmed with pleasure. I wanted it to last a lifetime. I knew I was getting close as a knot form in my stomach.

He suddenly went faster, making me moan uncontrollably. I felt him smirk as he continued. I put my hand on his head, but he slowly removes his mouth, put both my hands above my head. He was closer to my face.

"No love, tonight I'm in control." He whispered in my ear.

I felt chills down my back. I wanted him to use me, fuck me, make me his toy. He ties my hands with his belt to the headboard. He took my tie and tied around my eyes blinding me. Wherever this was going, I knew by tomorrow morning, I won't be walking anytime soon.

Klaus' POV:

I blindfolded him and slowly kissed down. I was teasing him and getting him on edge. I wanted to make him beg. Beg me, to fuck him, beg me, to use him. I wanted to hear those precious moans of his. I cupped him and began jerking him off.

He suddenly moaned at the contact. I smirked and took him in, I began bobbing my head up and down. He wasn't going to last long before he came. I went a bit faster catching him by surprise.

"Fuck Klaus~" He moaned loudly.

"What was that, love?" I asked innocently.

"Please, Klaus. Please, fuck me hard."

I came up to him. I made sure to kiss his neck as I got to his ear.

"Beg, like a good boy, and I'll give you the reward you deserve." I whispered in a lower, raspy voice.

He whimpered before saying, "Fuck me hard, Klaus. Fuck me so hard that I can't walk."

I smirked and without warning thrusted into him. He arched his back to get me in deeper. I thrusted in and out faster and harder. He loudly moaned and I knew I've hit his prostate. I continued fucking him mercilessly as he moaned a few curse words. I went even a bit rougher.

I knew he was close. He moaned again screaming my name.

"I-I'm close." He warned.

I held him by the neck as I fucked him. I came close up to his ear.

"Then cum pretty boy." I said.

He came, but I continue to thrust into him, he arched his back and began bucking my hips. Soon after, I reached my high. I untied Stefan and ran a bath for him. After what his been through, he needed it.

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