"𝑰 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒂 𝒃𝒐𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕" - 𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚

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Context: Steve and Bucky train and one thing led to another.

Warning: Bottom!Steve

It was training. The schedule, according to Stark said, that Wednesday was the day they would be training. Unfortunately, the rest of the Avengers haven't gotten use to Bucky being around so Tony made Steve look after him.
Steve was thrilled he got to take care of Bucky, but at the same time he wanted to kill Tony. Yes, Bucky was a former agent of Hydra, but that didn't mean that he was all bad. Steve knew Bucky better than the rest of the Avengers.

He didn't like the way they were treating Bucky at all. Acting as if he was in control of what he was doing all the time. Yet, he wasn't.
But nonetheless Steve agreed to do it, because no one else would. They were afraid if they said a trigger word, they might trigger the Winter Soldier. Bucky was afraid of that.

They walked into the room. Steve removed his jacket, putting it on the bench. Bucky did the same, but also removed his shirt.
Steve looked stunned at Bucky's structure. He quickly zoned back in and got into a fighting stance. Bucky did as well.

Bucky was unsure about this whole thing. Stark said it was for the best. He just didn't if that was completely true.
Steve threw a punch, but luckily Bucky dodged it. He kicked Steve in the stomach as the man stumbled back. Steve regained his position and tried to kick Bucky when the Brunette caught his leg.

He tripped the blonde making him fall. He smirked in victory which was short lived when Steve tripped him too. He then pinned Bucky to the ground, arms locked above his head.

"Wow Rogers, this is the first time I ever see you get victory against Barnes." Natasha walked in.

"Wait, are you serious, Nat?" Jay, Stark's son, walked in.

"Yep." Nat smirked.

Just then when Steve's grip loosens a bit, Bucky took the advantage to pin him down hard onto the mat.

"Oops." Nat said sarcastically.

"He's always going to be the victor." Jay sat down onto the bench. "Hey, who do you think is the bottom?" He asked Nat.

"Oh yeah, that would be Steve." Nat said.

The two super soldiers got onto their feet sitting on the bench. They drank some water to calm down from the training.

"What about you, Jay? Since you're so curious." Steve smirked.

"I'm a switch. Loki and I actually have the guts to try something new." Jay and Nat went onto the training mat. "Besides you have the balls to ask James out about now."

"The kid's right, you two keep staring at each other, but nothing ever happens." Nat agreed.

"And that would be my que." Bucky left in a hurry.

After Nat had beaten Jay's ass, they walked towards Steve. Both of them gave him a judging look. Steve was scared, he didn't exactly know how to respond to this.
He knew both of them would take him down, no matter what.

"What?" Steve asked.

"Go talk to Bucky. It's obvious you two like each other more than just two best friends from the 90's." Jay said.

"Fine. If something bad happens, I'm blaming you two." Steve glared at them.

"Like not being able to walk for a month or two?" Jay joked.

"Stop with the sex jokes." Steve said as he left.

"NEVER GRAMPA!" Jay shouted at him.

"10 Dollars he doesn't walk for a week." Nat betted.

"20 he doesn't walk for a month." Jay betted.

"Deal?" Nat asked.

"Deal." Jay replied.


Steve knocked on Bucky's door. What happened in the training room, shouldn't be just left. It should be talked about.
He did have feelings for Bucky, however he was hesitant. He didn't want to ruin their friendship, much less make it awkward. Thanks to Nat and Jay he had to talk to him.

The door opened revealing a very embarrassed Bucky. Steve swore on his life that he has never seen Bucky like this. Bucky allowed Steve in, although he was uncertain about what was to come from the blonde.

"We need to talk." Steve said.

"Yeah, it seemed like we should." Bucky replied closing the door.

"I like you, a lot. Like a man would like a woman." Steve confessed.

"I like you, too." Bucky replied with a smile.

"It's not illegal, you two. This isn't the 40s anymore. Being homosexual is normal!" They heard Sam shout from the other room. "Yes, I know. Everyone knows, you two oblivious idiots. Anyways continue and soundproof the wall, we don't want to hear Rogers moan like a bitch."

Bucky chuckled at Sam's words. He soundproof the wall, too. He didn't want anyone to hear what's going to happen.
Bucky walked towards Steve and kissed him. Steve instantly kissed back. They fell onto the couch with Bucky landing on top of Steve.

The kiss deepens as Bucky wrapped Steve's legs around him. They started kissing each other hungrily and roughly. Bucky picked the blonde up as they moved to his bed.
He threw the blonde onto the bed, removing all his clothing as well. Soon all Steve was in, was his boxers. Bucky removed his clothing as well, revealing some scars that was left from Hydra.

Bucky began kissing his neck, leaving love bites and trying to find his sweet spot. Which Bucky did and Steve moaned softly. He kissed lower from Steve's neck to his collarbone.
Steve was in a daze. Although he didn't want to get put of it. With Bucky kissing him and his hands all over him, he knew he couldn't last long.

That's when he felt Bucky palm him. He gasped at the sudden action. He felt his boxers being removed and Bucky's hand on his dick.
The brunette started jerking him off. Steve was practically moaning loudly. So needy. Bucky thought.

"Oh God." Steve moaned.

Bucky smirked before going faster. The blonde beneath him squirmed with the pleasure he was receiving. And only a few minutes later he came in Bucky's hand.
Steve panted from their little session. Bucky laid next to him. And kissed him hard.

"Nat and Jay had a bet about us. I didn't want to them the satisfaction of winning." Bucky smirked.

"Good thinking." Steve panted out.

They both fell asleep before being woke up for dinner.

A/n: Jay is an oc of mine who will appear in the Loki x male reader that I will be writing.

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