𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 - 𝑱𝒂𝒚𝑮𝒂𝒓

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Context: After two years of being Red Hood, Jason decided to knock on the door of an old friend so he can aid himself from injuries he got from a previous fight

Jason stared at the door. The door he was about to knock on. The door that hid an apartment room just behind it. He knew the last time he saw Garfield, he fucked it all up. Their friendship, their bond, their trust. He wasn't sure if the other former Titan didn't forget about what had happened.

With some hesitation, he knocked on the door. It opened revealing his former friend, his former partner and the guy he fell in love with. He saw the green haired Titan. He didn't look any different than what he did before all this.

"Jason?" Garfield asked confused.

Jason was about to say something when he collapsed onto the floor. The injuries were getting worse. Especially the deep one that went from his abdomen to his chest. Slade sure did a number on him. He was supposed to kill Slade tonight. It seemed like he failed to do that.

Gar helped him up. He carried Jason to his living room and sat him down onto the couch. He was sure Jason's injuries were near a life or death situation. Since Jason had become an antihero, he was a lot more skillful. He was also a lot more careful than he was in the Titans. It seemed that tonight wasn't a lucky night.

Gar went to get the med kit. He knew how stubborn Jason was, but he was willing to help him. Besides the redhead didn't really have a choice. He sat down as he removed Jason's helmet. He was stunned. If he was honest, if he didn't know Jason, he wouldn't recognize him.

You'd think he was still the same kid that went against Dick's orders. But no, he looked different, a good different. Jason's original hair color, which was red, finally showed along with his iconic white streak. He was masculine built. His features were unrecognizable, except for his eyes. The same green eyes that stared at Gar.

Gar removed his jacket and shirt as well. The wounds weren't as deep. Except the ones on Jason's abdomen. The younger man looked at the oldest man. In disbelief that Jason would be this injured. Especially late at night.

"What happened?" Gar asked concerned.

"Slade happened." Jason replied.

"You actually went him after him, huh?" Gar said as he pressed the alcohol bandage onto Jason's arm.

"I had to. He threatened a few teenagers. They were at least Tim's age." Jason explained.

"So taking on the man, who nearly killed you, was a good idea?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"There's one thing I do in Gotham, Gar. I protect it, may it cost my life so be it." Jason said determinedly.

"Then why come to me?" Gar bandaged the wound.

"You're the only one I can trust. Besides Dick will probably blame it on me anyways." He replied.

"Dick's Dick. He cared about us even if he didn't show it." Gar smiled softly.

"Yeah, with that long ass lecture too." Jason rolled his eyes.

"You still haven't changed." Gar took a needle and a piece of plastic thread.

"Not quite." Jason smirked.

Gar rolled his eyes and started stitching the wound that was across of Jason's abdomen to his chest. He worked carefully. Jason winced in pain as the needle went through his skin the first time. After a while he adapted to the pain. Something he would always do.

After a few hours went by, Gar was finally done with the stitches. He bandaged Jason's abdomen to his chest. Jason got his shirt on.

"Thank you." Jason smiled softly.

"It's the least I could do. You saved me plenty of times, I'm just repaying those times." Gar smiled back.

"You don't have to. I care about you, you were my best friend after all." Jason replied.

"Thanks, that means a lot to know you aren't just doing this for yourself." He crossed his arms.

"Fuck it." Jason muttered and he kissed Gar.

He pulled away and left. Gar was standing there confused. He never thought that Jason would feel that way towards him. He went back inside and locked his door. He knew he'd probably see Jason again.

-Two months later-

Jason was up on a rooftop. He was looking for thugs, murderers, you name it. He knew that it wasn't the best thing he has ever done to Garfield. He kissed him right then and there, but walked away. He was scared of the rejection. Scared that Garfield might not see him like that.

He tried to focus on the job. Yet, his mind told him otherwise. He wanted to go back to Garfield, tell him and be honest with him. He didn't care about the patrol anymore, he care about the green haired guy he had liked from the day they became friends. He landed near Gar's window, opening it up. Gar was wearing headphones and playing Call of Duty with Dick and Jericho, that's what he had heard.

He walked up to Gar, standing behind him. He watched as the game finished scaring Garfield to almost punch him out of instinct. Luckily he caught Garfield's fist.

"Hello, Garfield." He smirked.

Gar wasted no time kissing the older man. "Why on earth was the best idea to ghost me?" He asked.

"The hint of rejection." Jason said.

"I'm going to stop you there." Gar kissed him.

Jason kissed back, pinned him to the wall. He kissed Gar roughly and hungrily. He moaned as the kiss deepens. Jason picked him up and carried him to his bedroom. He threw Gar down onto the bed, he removed Gar's shirt as well as his.

He kissed him roughly as he lowered kissing his jawline to his neck. Gar moaned in pleasure as he felt Jason biting and sucking his neck.

"Jason." He moaned.

Jason pulled away and kissed him before lowering completely. He unbuckled Gar's belt and removed his pants. He palmed Gar making him groan. He removed Gar's boxers and thrusted a finger into him. The green haired man arched his back. He never felt this much pleasure.

Jason started off slow and went faster. Gar moaned loudly, sure his nextdoor neighbors would hear. The redhead smirked as he added another finger. This time his pace was fast, making Gar squirm under him. He removed his fingers and thrusted his tongue into Gar. Gar moaned from the sudden action.

"Fuck, Jason... I'm going to..."

Jason removed himself as Gar gave him an angry look. Jason just smirked and thrust into him. Gar immediately arched his back again. Giving more friction. He gripped onto Jason's shoulders as the older man fucked him. He knew he wouldn't last.

"Fuck..." Jason moaned.

He went faster and harder as Gar gripped tightly. He slowed a little before picking up pace.

"Jason, I'm ab..." Gar's sentence was cut off with a moan as he felt himself cum.

Jason came a few minutes after Gar. He laid next to Gar as he kissed his forehead. Gar cuddle up to him as they fell asleep.

A/n: Quick quiz, should I do more fluff + smut?
This was my first time attempting it, but it will improve.

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