𝐈'𝐦 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 - 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡

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It didn't really get far when Daniel invited Bill over to play some videogames with him. Not that he minded it, but he didn't want to spend the entire summer in a house with Henry Bowers. Yeah, Bill despised him a lot and didn't plan on even coming near him. But he couldn't decline Daniel's offer. He was Bill's best friend and surprisingly Richie's boyfriend. Could Bill even refuse to hang out with his friend.

They had been hanging out for three weeks now at Daniel's house. Those last three weeks, had been pretty awkward when Henry would come and talk to Daniel about his plans with the other three members of his group. Bill could've sworn he has seen Daniel look at him with a smirk on his face. Daniel shrugged it off by saying that Henry just liked someone. Bill didn't know why, but it felt like a dagger had been plunged into his heart and wouldn't come out. They focused on the game with a few arguments on who won.

A day later, Richie started coming over. Bill would be lying if he say that he wouldn't be grateful to be a third-wheel, because he would. He started hanging out with Henry a bit more. It was awkward at first, but they started talking a lot. He wasn't sure what it was, but something pulled him towards Henry. It turned out that Henry was really nice to you if you were in his good book and it seemed a lot like Bill was.

The last two weeks of summer ended. Bill felt a little lost without Henry's company. Richie said that he joined the cheerleaders to be closer to Daniel, maybe Bill could do the same. He did considered it, but he thought what Henry would think of him if he saw Bill was a cheerleader. Much less with a skirt on and cheering for him on the sidelines. He sighed and took the opportunity and after school walked with Richie to cheer practice.

Bill got in and it made him excited. For the next week and a half, Bill had been practicing with his team. He can't believe that Richie convinced him to do this. It was the night of a match. The cheer team had their positions. They got into their practiced stance as the football team walked onto the field.

It didn't take long before Henry noticed Bill. He couldn't help, but noticed how adorable Bill looked in that skirt. It wouldn't take long before the match was over and Henry could ruin Bill.


Henry had Bill pinned to his locker door. Bill thought that I would be a good chance to surprise Henry, but it seemed like Henry expected him. He felt Henry's hot breath near his ear. He started feeling hot.

"You look cute with the skirt on." Henry whispered.

"Th-th-thank yuh-you." Bill stutter worsened and his voice came out a whisper.

"Did you wear it just for me to see you in it?" He heard the smirk in Henry's voice.

"Yuh-yeah." Bill respond.

He felt lip on his. He kissed Henry back. Henry picked him up and pinned him to the wall. Bill moaned into the kiss, giving Henry access. Bill's hands gripped Henry's neck as he felt Henry's hand tighten on his leg. The dirty blonde slowly trailed off kissing Bill's neck.

It released a loud moan from Bill. No was around to hear his pretty mouth. Henry wanted him now and was desperately kissing him and leaving bite marks. They heard a knock on the door and quickly pulled away. It was his brother. He really wished Daniel didn't have to ruin the moment.

"Come on, Hen. Finish up, dad's waiting for us outside." He heard Daniel's voice.

"I will!" He yelled back.

When he heard Daniel's footsteps disappear, he looked at Bill. Bill was all red in the face and had some visible hickeys on his neck.

"My room, at midnight. I'll leave the window open." Henry winked at him before leaving.

|Two Months Later|

"I have to tuh-tell him, Rich." Bill argued.

"How you've been secretly dating the last two months, Bill?" Richie asked annoyed.

"Yes, look it just huh-happened. I really like huh-him, Richie. Hell, I'm in luh-love with him." Bill said.

"Do you realize how awkward the family reunions are going to be?" Richie asked.

"Beep-beep." Bill sighed.

They heard Richie's door open. Daniel walked in with a smile and kissed Richie for a second. He looked confused at the two boys. He was sure they were hiding something.

"What's up?" Daniel asked.

"I'm, uhm, in love wuh-with Henry." Bill said and his behind Richie who just rolled his eyes.

"Fuck yes! My ship is finally sailing. Thank you for waiting two months, Bill. Beverly owes me $20." Daniel smiled.

"How did you-".

"We just assumed you two would end up together some day. Bev said y'all would admit to me in two weeks, I said two months." Daniel explained cutting Bill off.

Yep, the family reunions are going to be crazy. Maybe a little too crazy for Bill's liking. He couldn't believe he was going to have Daniel as his brother in law.

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