𝑭𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒊𝒕, 𝑰'𝒎 𝒈𝒂𝒚 - 𝑳𝒖𝒌𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒚

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Context: Set in Sea of Monsters, for the sake of this plot Luke and Percy are both 18/19, you figure out which one is older

Percy POV:

Did I want to get caught? No, but I was curious on what Luke had been planning. Especially since he betrayed camp last year. S̶i̶n̶c̶e̶ h̶e̶ b̶e̶t̶r̶a̶y̶e̶d̶ m̶e̶. Since he betrayed Annabeth's trust. Since he nearly killed me.

I had to admit that I l̶o̶v̶e̶d trusted him. And he broke that trust. Seeing him again made me determined to find out what he was planning. I may either be stupid or brave, but I wasn't afraid of him. I know his only skill was sword fighting, nothing else. With Tyson this would be easier than before.

So when we got onto the boat, we expected victory, not downfall. Annabeth, who was the one that suggested we use Tyson to listen in, was lecturing me that I wasn't quiet enough. Not like there was a cyclops that didn't know how to be quiet. We were trapped in cells, each of us were in a different one. Annabeth suggested that I use my powers, but that couldn't work since well I didn't know how to use them. I thought she was supposed to be Athena's daughter.

"This is getting us nowhere." Annabeth groaned.

"Just stop complaining for once. There's nothing they'd want from us." I told her.

I mean it would be good to see Luke again. We haven't seen him in a year. A lot has changed and so has he.

"Yeah, not like he has the daughter of Athena and the son of Poseidon in a LITERAL jail." She stated the obvious.

"Really Annabeth?" I asked her.

"What? You said there's nothing they want from us. I just stated why they want us." She said sarcastically.

"Sarcasm doesn't suit you. Besides instead of complaining, if he did want to talk to us, wouldn't he send someone down to get us?" I asked her.

"Sure doubt the daughter of the Goddess of wisdom." She said dramatically.

"Stop using your heritage as a weapon of defense." I sighed.

She was about to say something when the door opened. It was some guy that took us straight to Luke's cabin. He was there sitting behind the desk with his elbows resting on it. He kinda looked like a villain you'd find in movies or video games. He smirked at us, looking between the three of us. He got up and walked towards us.

He wore an all black outfit. He wore a turtleneck shirt with some pants that's buckled with a grayish belt. He wore black boots that looked like hiking shoes. His hair was neat, but also messy. He still had that smirk on his face. He looked in between Annabeth and Tyson.

He face turned to disappointment. Annabeth paled and looked away. She couldn't look at him anymore, she looked guilty. Like she just betrayed the one thing she shouldn't.

"I expected better from you, Annabeth." He told her.

"You changed Luke." She said.

"Apparently so did you." He replied in a cold tone.

"Cut the bullshit, what do you want with us?" I asked him, he looked at me.

"You have a really dirty mouth, Jackson." He said, before he turned to the others. "I just want your answer." He informed.

"To what?" I asked him.

"Well, if you want to join Kronos or if you want to perish." He answered, a smirk appeared on his face.

"No." Annabeth replied.

He looked at Annabeth. His expression turned to impressed. Although he knew she would decline the offer. He grabbed her face and looked at her. Hoping for some sense in her. But he didn't see anything, not a single regret.

"Well then, that was disappointing." He let her go. "Take her and the cyclops to the prisons. Don't interrupt me either." He ordered.

His henchmen left with Tyson and Annabeth. She gave me a concerned look. Although it didn't really help that much. I turned to look. My arms were crossed and I looked at him.

"What do you want Luke?" I asked him. "What do you want from me?"

"It has come to my attention that you were also called by Kronos, but you refused. Why?" He asked.

"I had someone I cared about." I replied.

"Had? Well then what happened to her?" He asked.

"He abandoned me." I replied.

He stepped closer. Close enough that we were almost kissing. Close enough that I felt his breath on my face. That when out of nowhere he kissed me. I kissed him back. We pulled away.

"He never abandoned you." Luke smiled.

He kissed me again, I pulled him closer. My arms were around his neck. His hands were on my waist, gripping me tightly. I moaned into the kiss and it deepens. He was kissing me roughly and hungrily. He then let me fall onto the sofa as he got on top of me.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Y-yeah." I replied in a stutter.

He removed my shirt as he began kissing lower from my neck to my collarbone. I gasped as he left love bites. I felt him smirk against my skin as he lowered, sucking and nibbling my nipple while playing with the other. I arch my back due to the pleasure. He gripped my hips, making me still.

"Patience, Percy." He said.

I moaned at his response. Words couldn't even form onto my lips. I removed his shirt and stared like Medusa at her prey. Fuck, I didn't expect him to have abs. I always thought that he was nicely built, but him having abs, was not on the list. He kissed me, palming me too.

I moaned into kiss. He sat down as I straddled him, giving me advantage. I grind onto his bulge as he let out a moan. He grabbed my hips as I grinded faster. I let out a groan. He kissed my neck.

I unbuckled his belt, removing his pants along with it. He unbuckled mine and also removed my pants, we were left in our boxers. I palmed and got onto my knees. I kissed his dick through the fabric and he gasped. I removed his boxers and took him in.

"Fuck..." He moaned.

He put his hand on my head as he pushed me down taking all of him in. I gagged a little, but continued to suck him off. He moaned loudly. I felt his dick twitch knowing he was close. I fastened my pace and he came. I swallowed his cum and removed myself.

He was panting from his orgasm. He looked at me and lust and anger showed in his eyes. He kissed me roughly. He lowered and removed my boxers. Without warning he thrusted his tongue into me. I moaned loudly arching my back.

His pace started off slow and got faster after a few minutes. He was thrusting roughly and hard. I felt a knot appear in my stomach. He then removed his tongue and I whimpered from the loss of contact. Suddenly he thrusted his dick into me. I gripped the sheets as he thrusted hard and fast.

"Fuck, Percy, you're so tight." He moaned as he continued thrusting.

I arched my back for more friction. I moaned his name as he hit my prostate. He went faster ad kept hitting that spot. I felt my dick twitch.

"Luke, I'm going to-"

"Cum then." He demanded.

"Fuck..." I moaned as the orgasm hit me.

I came and the white substance covered both me and Luke's stomach. He continued thrusting until he came into me. He laid next to me with his dick still in me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. A little sore, but fine." I smiled tiredly.

"Good to know I did a good job." He smirked.

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