𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒅 - 𝑹𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆

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A/n: Part two of Truth or Dare

Summary: Richie fucks Eddie after they went into a safe house

Eddie POV:

I wasn't ready to fight that monster again. He knew what my fears were and how to initiate them. What he didn't know was that I was afraid of Richie's rejection. That had to be kept a secret especially from Richie. I liked him ever since we were teenagers. He nearly gave me a blowjob, but with my asthma attacks, it didn't happen.

Even though I wanted it to happen. I didn't know what the rest of the group thought about it. Some of them already knew. I knew damn well Billy and Bev knew about it. They put us in a fucking room together for a few minutes. It wasn't the worst scenario to be in, it was a great one.

We got to the safe house. Or more of a hotel we're booking rooms in. We walked in and it was a little small in the entrance. Bev sat on the staircase and Bill was leaning against it. We haven't heard from Mike or Ben yet, but they should be here any minute.

"You think we'll be able to defeat him this time?" Bev asked concerned.

"We killed him once, we could do it again." Bill reassured.

"How Bill? I mean last time was luck. We're grown now, never been in Derry for 27 years. How are we going to kill him?" I asked.

"Because last time we figured out his weaknesses." He said.

"There wasn't any weaknesses, Bill. Besides him scaring the living shit out of us." I said with an angry tone.

"Maybe Mike knows. He's been in Derry more than us." Bev suggested.

"Yeah, maybe he knows. There was a reason he wanted us back here again." Bill said.

"A reason to get us killed fighting something we couldn't even kill as kids." I said sternly.

"Since when did you get brave, Eddie?" A familiar voice said.

I looked behind me to see Richie standing. He walked in and leaned against the wall.

"When did you fucking decide to join us?" I asked.

"When I got bored of waiting for Ben and Mike." He stated the obvious.

"Back to Pennywise. We can't fight him if he knows our fears." I said.

"What if we get over those fears?" Bev asked.

"What about new fears? He already knows we're in town and he'll use the new ones." Bill said looking in between me and Richie.

"We get over our new ones. That way...he won't be able to use them against us." Bev said looking at the floor.

"I'll go find Mike. There's something I need to talk to him about." Bill said leaving.

Bev walked upstairs to her room. It was only me and Richie. I walked towards him. I looked away before thinking about what to say to him. I've had a crush on him and I can't even tell him. It was honestly funny to think about.

Richie's POV:

"Look Richie, I have always liked you since we were teenagers. I guess what I was afraid of was reject-"

I cut Eddie off by kissing him hard. I pulled away looking at a very flustered Eddie. I smirked and grabbed his wrist walking upstairs. When I got to my room, I locked the door pushing him against the wall. I kissed roughly and passionately. He moaned into the the kiss.

I picked him up, kissing his neck. I gently sat him onto the bed before removing his shirt. I kissed him from his jawline to his neck. Sucking and kissing him. He moaned as I found his sweet spot and I continued kissing there. I slowly moved lower to his collar bone, leaving love bites behind.

I began sucking and biting his nipple as he gasp, arching his back a little. I smirked at his action and did the same to his other nipple before moving lower to his v-line. I unbuckled his pants and sliding them off. I cupped him and stroked him over his boxers making him moan. I removed my shirt throwing it somewhere in the room and kissed him passionately. I slowly removed his boxers and his dick sprung out.

There will precum licking out. I moved down and licked his tip before taking him in.

"Oh fuck~~~~" He moaned as I started in a slow pace.

He gripped my hair and made go the pace he wanted. I deepthroated him before he came in my mouth. I swallowed and removed myself, smirking at him.

"You wanna ride me?" I ask.

He blushed a deep red and looked away. I found it cute and cupped his cheek. He slowly looked at me.

"I don't know how." He said embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I'll guide you." I said to him with a soft smile.

I laid down as he got onto. He kissed me before he got lube and put it on my cock. He slowly took me in and we both groaned.

"God, Eddie you're so tight." I moaned out.

He started slowly moving up and down and I held his hips controlling his pace. We both moaned with each thrust. He started going fast and moaned my name. I felt I was almost. A while later I came and Eddie laid down and buried his face in the crook of my neck. We felt asleep in that position forgetting that anyone might knock or walk in.

A/n:Sorry this took long. It was hard to come up with a second part.

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