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Time dragged its feet when I died. God wasn't merciful when the blade that took my life descended, its bright metal shining into my eyes from the mirrors as I could only watch the black figure plunge it deep into my back, paralysed of words, petrified from shock. I remember the pain, and the hot blood that spilled from my wound, my heart pounding desperately for more blood but to no avail. My head became dizzy, my legs lost all feeling, and my fingers tingled as they fell cold.

My eyelids betrayed me and grew heavy.

That is the only thing I could remember, before I had woken up in this place. A dark and grimy cell, filled with the shadows of prisoners before me, who have no doubt deserved their fate. But, was I deserving of these shackles? It seemed I was suffering torture after torture in these moments, and it makes me wonder what I have done to receive such bad luck.

A sharp clang startled me from my thoughts, and brought my attention to the tall man that stood behind the bars, staring down at me through a golden helmet, matched with a sightly golden armour. An uneasy feeling washed over me when I saw him. It was like staring at something that had turned its skin inside out— it was just so unnatural to me for someone to look like he did, but I couldn't remember or even pinpoint exactly why I was feeling this way. I must have zoned out, because the guard proceeded to open the door and yank me by the chains, unlocking them swiftly to essentially drag me by the arms out of the cell. I barely had the time to collect myself, before I was staggered onto my trembling feet, clad in a ragged dress fit for a peasant— which must be my stature.

Was I arrested for treason? I couldn't tell, and my mind only rushed with even more questions when I was brought before a throne. My eyes strayed from the depths that surrounded us, growing queasy just from the sight of such tall heights. Only a madman would build a throne room like this... it was integrated into nature, yet it had intricate designs carved into the very stone of the cavern they made refuge in. By the looks of everything around me, I'd say that this place had been inhabited for centuries... it's like a story had been etched into the stone and coiling roots around us. Despite all this, the air smelled strongly of rain. It was pleasant, but in my waking moment at the foot of what seemed to be a king... it just felt like there was a storm brewing in the distance.

My entire body must have stiffened just at the sight of him. He stood tall, piercing blue eyes stuck on me with a calculating glare. He proceeded to move from his spot and step down, till we were at eye level. My legs were slowly giving out, however, and I am beginning to think he had me bewitched. His crown sat rightfully on his head, comfortably over the locks of silver blonde hair that cascaded from his shoulders into neat strands. It put shame on my hair...

"Nothing to say, witch? How disappointing... you think that will cast my ire aside, in hopes of sentencing you mercifully?" He spoke, pacing around me with his hands neatly placed behind him, his voice deep and resonating around the cave. "Speak up!" He booms, my skin jumping at the sudden aggression. I couldn't fathom what I must have done for this man to hate me so. His tongue moved foreign to me, like an uncanny language was being spoken yet I could understand him clearly.

"I..." I began, but lost my words before I can continue.

My eyes almost pulsated from how desperately I shot my vision everywhere, looking for help— an escape. The king waited for me, patiently. If it weren't for his burning glare boring into my skull, I think I would have been able to utter a coherent sentence by now, but I knew deep down that there was no escape from his clutch. He aims to punish me regardless of what comes out of my mouth, and that I was merely entertaining his anger by attempting to speak in front of such an authoritative figure. Seeing as I had nothing to say, he continued himself.

Blood of the Covenant [ Legolas x Fem!Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now