Chapter Thirteen 𐮛 Hope Quietus

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"You, who link the fire, you, who bear the curse...
Once the fire is linked, souls will flourish anew, and all of this will play out again.

It is your choice. To embrace or renounce this... Great Sovereign, take your throne. What lies ahead, only you can see."

- The Emerald Herald, Dark Souls II


"Rise and shine, lass! Today's a new day!" Gimli's rough voice startled [Y/n] out of her pleasant dream. She sat up, coughing and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, groaning as the pain from her shoulder became apparent again. She looked over to Gimli, who gleamed up at her even from where she sat. She chuckled and punched him lightly in the arm, rolling her eyes. How could he be so chipper in a time of reckoning?

"Good morning, Gimli," she greeted, stretching her legs beneath her before sliding out. He held her bag out to her and looked extremely keen to say something, to which she silently watched him till he opened his mouth.

"I commend you for joining our last effort, [Y/n]! We need all the help we can get for this matter," he said, handing it to her. It contained her old garments, all except the armour she had used previously. She smiled even though she was troubled about the prospect of finding a new armour to wear, but she looked at him gratefully.

"Thank you for bringing this to me. How did you get your hands on it?"

"Gandalf tasked me with delivering it," he told, and she gleamed at the mention of the old man, immediately feeling excited at the opportunity to talk with him again.

"Oh, Gandalf! Where is he? I would very much like to see him," she chimed, getting her socks and boots from the bag to quickly put on, which she found was exceedingly difficult to do with one arm. Her injured side was wrapped in gauze and supported around her neck so it could stay in a rested position, and she hoped she could take it off before she left. Gimli hummed in thought as he tried to remember, but it seemed he didn't know.

"Sorry, lass. I cannae remember where he said he'd be. Try to find Aragorn, I'm sure he'd be with him. Ah, before you go, come and eat with me!" He suggested, and with that, she threw her cloak on and walked with him to the dining hall, which was not too far. She still had a slight limp in her right leg, and it took quite some effort to hide it; she had begun to sweat from how much she strained to keep herself straight. Gimli babbled on to her about whatever topic came to his mind, and she couldn't blame him. She would be talkative, too, if she wasn't so focused on the troubling times. She had to find Gandalf, make a whole new armour for herself, then after that find Legolas, and finally go to the final battle. Not exactly the easiest task list to do, but I shall prevail... she groaned internally, as they entered the mess hall, which was filled with bustling soldiers and workers, speeding their duties around in preparation.

As they sat for breakfast, she quickly zoned out of Gimli's blabber as her thoughts rushed back to the night before... specifically to Legolas. She felt heat rush to her cheeks with how earnest he acted towards her, and she couldn't help but feel hopeful that they would become closer after this. She looked around, now beginning to wonder where he was.

"Say, have you seen Legolas at all? I also need to speak with him," she asked, biting a bit of her bread before sipping some soup to soften it. Gimli smirked at her teasingly, and if she wasn't chewing, she'd scold him to stop that.

"Aye, I saw him in the armoury," he said, and she nodded at this. I'll go there and pretend I'm getting armour, so I can speak to him. She schemed evilly in her head... but then a voice startled her.

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