Chapter One 𐮛 The Fellowship of the Ring

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Days would drag their feet as [Y/n] waited on news about Gandalf, especially when Arwen had left to search for Aragorn. Lord Elrond would occasionally speak to her in the nights where Rivendell was least busy, but he would always appear to be withholding information from her whenever the topic would digress to Gandalf and the quest's purpose, and she can only assume it was by the old wizard's request that he hold his tongue. She could tell from the way his head would tilt and his lips would tighten whenever she questioned anything to do with Gandalf, that something important was amiss.

Being kept in mystery like this would have her heart ache in dread— she knows that Gandalf doesn't like to keep secrets unless it is absolutely necessary, and the fact that she has to be kept questioning like this only made her more nervous. She was always the type to refrain from tough tasks, as she believed it would weigh heavy on her already fragile state of mind— that is what she assumes is the voices in her head, that from day one would urge her to do things she feared. Each day an unsettling nerve would grow inside of her, and she tried her best to avoid it.

The sun glowed orange upon Rivendell today, but even so, [Y/n] woke to a dread in her chest pulsing with unease, her hand clenching her bosom in fear. She recalls no nightmares before waking, nor did she have a bad sleep— so what could be the cause of this distress? Every time she's had this feeling in the past, it didn't end well...
After dressing in comfortable clothes for a lazy day in her room and hastily feast upon some berries, a voice interrupted her from her thoughts not long before dusk.

"My lady, your presence has been summoned to the council of Lord Elrond." A servant elf, interrupted [Y/n]'s brooding session and brought her attention to the time. She thanked the servant and proceeded to take her time getting more appropriately dressed for the council. She had grown the habit of going slow and steady in the peace of Rivendell, but with the manner she woke this morning made her doubt this logic, even if the rivers and waterfalls glistened with serenity. Her hands trembled slightly, pulling at her boots to slide onto her feet, growing restless the more she forced herself to take her time.

Heading to the council room was no easy task, especially when she stuck out like a sore thumb compared to other elves— and she didn't want to elaborate why. A sigh left her lips as her eyes scanned over the beautiful horizon, rushing waters leaving a cool mist in the air and the autumn leaves flying around and littering the floor, it calmed her to know that nature was beautiful even if her heart was dreading.

As soon as she arrived just outside the council room, catching sight of horses arriving from different races across the land; it dawned on her that not even nature will help her dictate the health of this world anymore. It's evident something imperative was upon them.

She quietly acquainted with Gandalf, who leads her to the secret meeting place. Immediately after seeing him, she felt all of her troubles melt away and instead be replaced with joy, a cheeky smile displaying proudly for her friend. Gandalf returned the smile, but didn't say a word despite them being apart for so long, and much to her surprise, he didn't even give her a hug either. Just what the hell is going on here? She thought, her perplexed eyes glaring at the wizard, while he ignored her and focused his attention on a peculiar stone table before them with a solemn look. She would have spoken up— with fury in her words, but much to her shock, men, dwarves, and later, elves of Mirkwood joined them in the circle.

Her gaze couldn't resist peering at the particularly familiar elf, who's blood she sensed was the same as one she had met a long time ago. Still, that didn't matter to her for more than a second when she noticed little Frodo amongst them. Her jaw nearly dropped, but luckily Gandalf patted the back of her hand and motioned her to sit down. With hesitance, she made her way beside Frodo, taking her seat.

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