Chapter Two 𐮛 Ice of Moria

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Watching Merry and Pippin bond with Boromir left [Y/n] wanting, and so far she had already repulsed Boromir and Legolas — the dwarf being the only person to actually show a liking to her... otherwise she felt out of place in this squad. Frodo and Sam were always off on their own, and she didn't want to bother them too much, even if she ached to interact with her good old friends. Seeing the Gondor noble so happy to interact with the hobbits still made her feel warmth inside of her, even if she wished she could develop such a lovely bond with the others. Even Aragorn was indifferent to her, seeing as she never expressed interest in being friends with him before out of fear she'll accidentally slip up and anger Arwen, it seemed awkward to initiate anything now.

Speaking of which, Aragorn chuckles beside her when Merry and Pippin tackle Boromir down, and she mimics his mirth in seeing how hard they all cackled on the ground. Turning over to Sam and Frodo, she watched them practice their stances and it was adorable how focused they looked. The dwarf sat sleeping upright somehow, it seems he can sleep anywhere he wishes and she found that impressive. She's never had good sleep behaviour, not for as long as she could remember. Shifting her eyes elsewhere, she notices Legolas standing tall on a boulder, looking alert as ever.

He caught her gaze and she quickly snaps her head away, pretending to look at a rock, and in that awkward moment she tried to look casual by scratching her chin... but she just looked like an idiot. Legolas fights back a smile, watching her pretend to study the rock with such dramatic critical thought, but grows wary on why she was staring in the first place. His father always told him to watch out for her, especially since he knew she was still out there lurking, and now that he finally meets her, he battles his instincts and Thranduil's words at the same time.

Gimli had awakened and stood up to walk over to Gandalf, who almost looked like he was avoiding him. She watches them both curiously, hoping Gimli would say something entertaining, even if that was a rude thought.

"If anyone were to ask for my opinion — which I note they have not, I would say we are taking the long way round. Gandalf, we can pass through the Mines of Moria! My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome," he huffed proudly, and Gandalf mentally sighed.

"No, Gimli. I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice," he replies in a stern voice, and [Y/n] wonders why Moria is such a bad thought to him. Last she heard, it was a wealthy accomodating place — so what's the problem?

Gimli got the message, though, and scoffed to himself before walking away with an angry frown. She smiled at him casually and he merely frowned deeper.

"Outrageous, I say! He rather freeze to death than connect with my kin," he declares in a hushed tone to her, but she shakes her head lightly.

"I don't think Gandalf is shallow like you describe. He's a wise wizard, so there must be a reason for his decline," she assured him but, he doesn't look so convinced. Catching [Y/n]'s attention, Sam watches something in the distance, far to her right as she faced the north.

"What is that?" He points out a dark cloud in the distance. [Y/n] doesn't look at it, but instead she watches her fellows. Gimli grumpily scoffs again, looking at the cloud himself.

"Nothing, it's just a wisp of cloud," he grunts.

"It's moving fast, against the wind..." Boromir worriedly comments, watching it as well. Now that all eyes were on this mysterious cloud, she decides to watch it with them and judge the mystery for herself. Soon as her gaze landed upon it, she felt her chest cave in with dread and a terrified gasp escape her lips.

"Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas shouts, and in a flash everyone scrambles apart to whatever shelter they could find, but in panic [Y/n] had stuck to her spot, frantically looking around for an appropriate hiding place.
It was too late for her, she was soon to be spotted and attacked by these thousands of wretched crows, and die a gruesome death from being pecked and clawed down to the bone.

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