Chapter Four 𐮛 River Affinity

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Leaning over the boat to graze the surface of the water with her fingers, she relished the chill it gave to her burning hands as an escort paddled her in line with the other boats. Silently, they treaded the water to their next destination. She sighs after a while, looking back to see Legolas and Gimli talking amongst themselves, even seeing him smile at the dwarf, which struck her chest strangely. Wishing she was on that boat, she continued to stare as they conversed, feeling a small smile dawn her lips as she realised that a nice friendship had begun to grow between the odd pairing. The more she stared, the less her head rushed with nervousness. She didn't want to leave Lady Galadriel just yet... she still needed answers.

Reminded of Galadriel's gift, she turns back and peers at the mirror in her hand, stroking its silver clasp in deep thought; whether to look at it again or not. This gift was a strange, she didn't know what it's purpose was other than showing the 'truth'. If it is the truth, then does that mean that the beast she sees reflecting back is what she is deep inside? A shudder ran down her spine, and a lump began to form in her throat at the thought of it, so she cast her gaze to the rippling waters again.

Seeing pieces of her face shine back at her in the water was more comforting than it.

The four boats pass into the Great River Anduin, rich green forest slowly reducing into sick brown and withered foliage, already a telltale sign that their leisure in Lothlòrien is now over, and that danger is once again at nigh.
Looking to Legolas, she's grateful to see him still paddling, occupied completely by his surroundings which allowed her a chance to study his face for a good minute. She knows what it feels like to be attracted to someone, and it's no doubt she felt attracted to him — after all, he is considered one of the fairest Elves of the land, but there was something else about her feelings toward him that seemed... new.

He catches her watching, and quickly she snaps her head away, almost cracking her neck painfully in the process. Hearing a small chuckle from behind her, she grew red in the face from embarrassment, knowing he had caught her.

Eventually, the boats safely come ashore on a bank out of the river, after riding for hours. Slipping the mirror into her bag, she got up, but hesitated for a moment, not trusting herself enough to make it safely out of the boat. She tries to refrain from looking helpless, but alas, the elf that had escorted her (for unknown reason, perhaps Galadriel wanted [Y/n] to have a boat to herself, but the intent wasn't clear), outstretched his arm for her to use as leverage. She gratefully takes it and steps out, gasping when her view suddenly came to a cold eyed Legolas, who stood before her expectantly. His fists were clenched, and it seemed he was irritated by something that [Y/n] could not decipher. After stepping onto land, the elf bows briefly, then proceeded to paddle back up the river towards the city. [Y/n] sighs, wishing she was on that boat. A soft cough reminded her of the mischievous presence of a certain golden haired Ellon, and her eyes darkened irritably.

"I cannot lie, I was hoping to see you tumble into the waters," Legolas speaks up, and [Y/n] punches him in the arm in response, her face heating up again. He doesn't even flinch at her strike, but instead eyes her with great amusement much to her displeasure.

"Is that so? Well, I was hoping you'd get snatched by a river monster just like in Moria!" She huffs, and he shakes his head.

"That is a far more extreme wish than mine," he retorts, crossing his arms casually while peering at her curiously as she panicked to retort.

"So?" She huffs, crossing her arms as well. "At least I don't provoke!"

"Your very existence is provoking," he responds and [Y/n] could feel her hands clench into fists, tempted to strike him just for that insult.

Trying not to overreact, she took a deep breath and calmly turned away and rode up the bank towards Boromir and Aragorn, who spoke quietly to themselves behind a boulder. Trying to act like she wasn't about to explode with exasperation from her interaction with Legolas, she takes a deep breath and focuses on the two men in front of her instead. She quickly becomes worried in seeing them look out from the boulder so cautiously, it's saying that something was wrong.

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