Chapter Eleven 𐮛 Last Flight

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"All of you, forgive me, for I have availed you nothing,
Surely thine kind are more than pure dark.

Whatever thou art, stay away. Soon, I will be consumed by them... by the Dark."

— Artorias, the Abysswalker,
Dark Souls Cut Content.


The beats of heavy armour and storming foots belonging to Orcs drummed in the distance, inching its way closer and closer to the citadel as the entire city stood still in anticipation. This didn't feel like Helm's Deep. This felt more substantial, like the entire fate of Middle Earth stood on the edge of a blade, drawing closer with each step Sauron's army took. Clad in armour forged by her shade, she wore it with pride and stood against the wind in one of the high towers of the center. She watched as a boundless army marched their way towards them from the horizon, banging their shields and bringing dark clouds with them, creating the low sound of doom. It gave her more chills than the drums she heard in Moria, which right now seemed minuscule in comparison to the vast army of Orcs before her. She took in a deep breath, nervously looking below her to see the ant sized figure of Gandalf and Pippin stand beside the king and his guards, them too dreading the inevitable. Her hands trembled as she regretted not studying even more — despite having exhausted her eyes from how much spells she had to memorise only hours before preparing for the war. Still, she felt fear unlike any other she has felt before. It dug away at your chest and ate you from the inside, shaking your limps, freezing your cognitive abilities, and widening your wild eyes. There will be no escape from this. She must help the people. The soldiers. The women. The children. All of them...

Now faced with lines of enemies, she glared at them as she anticipated their first moves. The sound of creaking wood filled the air, and soon [Y/n] realised that the catapults of the enemy have launched, releasing hundreds of small boulders high into the air towards them. Jolting into action, she prepared to catch them, but before she could mutter a proper spell, her entire body had shocked into a freeze. They weren't hauling rocks. They were hauling heads. Heads of men, women and...

Letting out a scream of fury mixed with pure nauseating disgust, [Y/n] helplessly watched as the heads came tumbling down on the people, showing them the true cruelty of Sauron and his servants. Burning tears trailed down her cheeks, she looked to the fields and uttered a singeing slew of curses upon them, channeling all her anger to her fingertips, where a bright red light began to grow from them till a ball of fire fabricated before her. With all the strength she mustered from her body mixed with the adrenaline her anger released, she hurled the ball to a catapult, watching some Orcs scatter away from it as it fell upon them. Unfortunately, her aim wasn't as exact as she wanted it to be  so it instead wiped out the crowd beside it. She tried again, this time too much to the left and on her third try, she managed to detonate the structure, sending wooden shards high into the air and the grass ablaze. Hesitantly, she jumped off her tower, quickly casting her flight spell. She managed to levitate in time, and quickly flew up to the closer margins, where bowyers took aim.

Arrows came descending their way, so [Y/n] quickly drew a sheet of protective shield, catching most that came her way, then threw it back to the orcs with equal velocity. The battle went on like that, and sadly she felt she was getting used to it; she began to develop a routine of attacking the catapults, stopping arrows, shooting some orcs and then moving onto the next catapult. An hour must have passed when none were left standing, she began to focus on the orcs that swarmed in on the walls and climbed ladders to get in. Thinking quickly, she sets one ablaze and lets it crumble into ash within five seconds, multiple orcs tumbling down and getting crushed on top of each other. Her chest began to burn in that all too well known feeling, warning her to take a break and let her magic cool down before she could strike again.

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