Chapter Three 𐮛 Cats and Mirrors

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Fields of golden flowers spread ahead of them, covered by rich yellow leaves above, and it gave a brief peace to everyone that treaded lightly upon it, even the fellowship who had experienced a devastating loss not long ago. [Y/n] continued to hold Frodo's hand, Sam had long gone to the front, carefully stepping between the delicate flowers with his nose pointed to the floor. She inhaled a long breath of that pollen rich air, taking in the scent of the flowers and the white wood surrounding them with a look of great disturbance.

[Y/n] couldn't grasp the concept of Gandalf's death just yet. For the moment, her mind was jarred like she had been hit; still able to walk, but unable to think. She thought he would be with her till the end of her days, and she realised now that was a very wishful thought. All things eventually decay, even those you planned your whole life with. It was too sudden to comprehend, so she walked on without a word to wail.

"Ah, Lothlórien. The fairest of all the dwellings of my people. There are no trees like the trees of this land, for in autumn the leaves fall not, but turn to gold. Not till the spring comes and the new green opens do they fall, and then the boughs are laden with yellow flowers; and the floor of the wood is golden, and golden is the roof, and its pillars are of silver, for the bark of the trees is smooth and grey. So still our songs in Mirkwood say." Legolas muses, him too taking in his surroundings with a look of nostalgia. [Y/n] sighs, not sure if she should continue listening to him ramble on or drown him out with her own musing thoughts. No one was really in a mood to speak apart from him and Gimli, who had expressed his condolences to each and every one of Gandalf's closer associates respectively. Legolas speaks so poetically, despite being such a mischievous and snide man, being around him was never a bore.

She instead, looks out to the horizon of grey pillars before them, sighing to herself as the air left her lungs painfully, her chest still stinging from her heartbreak. Tears began to brew once again for the millionth time, but she forced herself to swallow the lump in her throat and leave her emotion for a more appropriate time — specifically when they're not on a quest.

Aragorn admires the flowers too, mumbling something to himself and briefly giving a warm smile to her and Frodo. She doesn't return the smile, but instead stares blankly back at him.

Gimli hastily jogs over to [Y/n]'s side, and she slows down to keep pace with him. One long stride for her is two steps for the dwarf. He nervously scans the area, a light sweat on his nose when he meets [Y/n]'s eyes.

"Stay close, young ones, they say a great sorceress lives in these woods. An Elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell." He addresses the hobbits, but looks at [Y/n] most of the time. Merry and Pippin listen closely to hear the dwarf better, as he spoke in a cautious whisper. After he spoke, [Y/n] could feel Frodo's hand twirl tighter around hers, and she looks to him in concern.

"And are never seen again!" Gimli distracts her, and she has a feeling he's talking about Galadriel, a witch she admired since she's read about her briefly in an archive. Otherwise, she doesn't know much about the witch... she gulps nervously, now looking around cautiously. Frodo let's go of her hand, and goes forward, his eyes wide and scanning the woods frantically. It seems Gimli's tale got him uneasy, too— or so she thought.

"Well, here's one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!" He declares strongly, and she almost laughed if it wasn't for her numbing sadness.

Something moves beside her, and she snaps her head to her left.

The tip of an arrow, centimetres from her iris comes into view. She gasps, and nearly trips over her boots, instead grabbing Merry's head aggressively to balance herself, who exclaims in protest but freezes when he realises what she's startled by.

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