Chapter Nine 𐮛 Fare Thee Well

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"I've seen your kind, time and time again. Every fleeing man must be caught.

Every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth.

But, in the end, you lack the stomach for the agony you'll bring upon yourself."

— Sir Vilhelm, Dark Souls 3


In the resting quarters, [Y/n] fitted in her cot restlessly. Seems I won't be getting sleep again tonight... she sighed to herself, sitting up. This time, she was situated in a room where everyone else was — even Legolas and Aragorn slept with them, among the hobbits, Gandalf and Gimli, who all snored away into the night, leaving only her to be awake. She looked to her left, particularly at the Hobbits, where Legolas slept above them on a dingy bed. It's the first time she's seen him sleep in their entire journey, not even in Moria did he get a wink. She too, was a night owl, but not because she willed it like he did.

Creeping over to the back door, hoping to catch a breath of fresh air, she stepped over the hobbits and slowly tiptoed to the wooden door, but something odd caught her eye. Gandalf was to her right, and for some reason his belly was completely swollen! She would have gasped if her hand wasn't clamped over her mouth. She crept closer, poking it lightly. His belly felt hard and smooth under the fabric, and she realised it wasn't his stomach at all! It was an object.

Mischievously, she took it from him with careful hands, and he luckily didn't budge a muscle during this escapade. She couldn't tell what it was, but had an intense curiosity in her that made her want to peep it outside — for her curiosity was practically begging her to examine the strange ball. It was heavy, and it almost slipped out of her hands, but she managed to get out of the quarters with it secured against her inside the cotton blanket.

Sitting down on a crate, she unravelled the object, blinking in surprise at the sheer incandescence it held. It looked like there was a storm brewing inside, and staring at it for too long made her feel dizzy a bit. For some reason, she felt the urge to put her fingers on each of its sides, so she gave in and did so, but hesitated when it began to glow brighter the closer she brought her hands upon it. Something inside her was warning her not to touch it, and so her fingers trembled the nearer they got.

Gulping, she plastered herself on the ball... nothing.

"Ah, that's embarrassing..." she chuckled, seeing as it really was nothing but, her paranoia making her think this was anything but a fancy ball. Perhaps it's a decorative jewel that Gandalf wanted to keep for himself? She itched her nose, growing increasingly aware of her gloves.

"Hmmm... perhaps?" She questioned aloud, taking off her glove, not before checking her surroundings in case anyone was around. Her hand, now exposed to the cold night air, slowly descended on the glowing ball...

Like her entire world had turned inside out, she was lurched into a dream like trance; her surroundings distorting into visions of blazing fires, black smoke and a grand throne room... where a man clad in black robes and white hair, stood watching her.

She wanted desperately to scream, but petrifying electricity travel from her hand and trailed all the way up to her head, where it fried her brain, causing her to go limp from speech or any other type of reaction. She didn't remove her hand, it was like the ball had burnt itself into her skin and refused to let her go, keeping her trapped in this strange chasm before this stranger that now observed her with disgust, and it made her lungs beg for air as she struggled against the orb, as it suddenly lunged her forward to the man's feet, where she accidentally knelt before him.

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