Chapter Ten 𐮛 Cerebration

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"Yet another stands before us...

Then so be it. For the curse of life is the curse of want.

And so, you peer into the fog, in hope of answers."

— Ancient Dragon, Dark Souls II: Scholar of the Last Sin.


Crickets rang in her ears that night, and she rested her head on a crudely drawn bed, trying her best to ignore the ringing from her ears after having to listen to the gallops of hooves all day. Blood still rushed to her head when she had gotten off Butter, but she gratefully gave the little bud a bit of lembas as a reward for such fast trekking. She sighed, opening her eyes again to meet the star speckled sky, analysing each dot and trying to make little pictures out of them out of boredom.

Legolas hadn't left her mind ever since she left. Their goodbye was less than what she hoped for. Her path ahead seemed much more lonely than before, even if Gandalf was still here. Pippin had been silent the entire time, it seems having to leave Merry behind dealt serious sadness to him, so she couldn't speak to him either. It reminded her of Frodo in a sense, and it brought tears to her eyes to think such an innocent little hobbit had to endure such pain.

Sighing, she sat up, taking out the pocket mirror Galadriel had gifted, and traced its outline with her fingers. Her gloves were beginning to feel itchy, so she removed them to let her hands breathe. The hand she took Legolas's with had long lost its tingly sensation — when she held his hand, it was like sparks flew up her body only for a moment before he let her go. She grimaced, remembering his kind eyes, and willed herself to think about something else.

Unclasping the mirror, she peered into it. At this point, she wasn't surprised to see her shade staring back. Still, she trembled as it copied her every movement, only moving at its own will whenever her eyes would flicker away from the reflection.

"You will fail without me." It spoke, sending chills down her spine.

"You may be right..." she sighs.

"Let me take over when the time is nigh," it proposed, and [Y/n] twisted her lips reluctantly.

"I can't. I was wrong to listen to you before," she whispered, leaning closer to the mirror. The shade flickered in her vision, its eyes glowing brighter with malice.

"And, what made you change your mind so quickly?" It questioned, and she grew silent. "It's the elf, isn't it," it jeered, echoes of laughter bouncing around in her mind.

"No. There is a reason Lady Galadriel gave this gift to me, the is a reason that I have been put here — and I realise now that it is my duty to find that out," she grits, her hands clenching the mirror tightly as her breathing grew shorter. The shadow distorted its body as it listened, rejecting her words and growing bigger with fury.

"You don't have it in you to control me..." it growled, and she huffed, tears pricking at her eyes.

"You're right. But, I will find a way," she choked, snapping the mirror shut and tossing it into her bag.

After that, the voices in her head would not stop circling her like a flock of vultures, pricking at every ounce of resilience she had left. Taking in a long breath, she practiced a relaxing method she had learnt from Gandalf some years ago, and proceeded to meditate underneath the stars. She blocked out her visions of the dark eyes in her mind, and instead replaced it with the picture of her friends, smiling at her in peaceful times. Frodo's adorable blushes, Sam's cheerful smile and... a certain ellon's kind gaze.

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