Chapter Fourteen 𐮛 My Mind's Alone

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"So, what do you say? Why not help one another on this lonely journey?"

- Solaire of Astora, Dark Souls I


As they rode to the Black Gate, a feeling of evil permeated from the land beneath their feet, it's sinister grasp tightening in every step her she took. Even with her most trusted companions close by, [Y/n] still struggled to keep her hands from trembling as her sights came to the desolate land of Mordor. She struggled to keep up, her wounds still painful and her strength depleted from the last war. She knew she would have to push back this feeling when the fight begins, and the thought gloomed around like a cloud.

Is this where all things will end? [Y/n] thinks to herself, and Quelaag chuckles in her head. At the sight of the dark fortress, the two could feel their resolve shaking, but the warrior Quelaag would not show it.

It is where things begin, little witch. Fret not. You have strong blood within you. She reassures in an oddly warm tone. It was enough to calm [Y/n] down by a fraction, letting her breathe the cold air a little easier. Being with Quelaag the past few days was a wake-up call for sure, but it also served its perks. [Y/n] would have to get used to her antics, and that can be achieved through time... that's if there was any time left.

It felt like the clock had stopped ticking as they stood before the Black Gate. Legolas stood some ways away, occasionally glancing at her before becoming focused on Aragorn, who took the front with a speech.

Ah, of course. A touching speech before impending doom. Quelaag comments sarcastically, making [Y/n] jump with anger.

Do not talk! My good friend is speaking, show some respect! She scolds, trying her best to not show emotions in her face as she spoke mentally.

He's no friend of mine... Quelaag grumbles, much to [Y/n]'s displeasure. Deciding to ignore her, she tried focused back on Aragorn's words. Unfortunately, her mind kept steering back to Quelaag's words.

The journey has been long, and we have lost many who once called us friends. She says, looking to the ground solemnly as her thoughts went to Boromir. Yet I am grateful for the strength you've taught me, Quelaag.

She notices Legolas glance at her, his eyes strewn with anticipation, for he knew that they were soon to face such hardship and pain. The fellowship had made it this far on courage alone, and [Y/n] had proven herself to be a worthy companion even to those who had shown adversity.

Our time here will be even more dangerous than any time before, but I have faith in you. Quelaag responds after a moment of silence, her voice soft against the walls of her mind.

"May the lords bless us all." [Y/n] whispers, closing her eyes with a deep breath as Aragorn raised his sword to the air, the red glint of Sauron's eye on his ancient sword, the rite of his kin, an object of hope glimmering in all the good peoples who look upon it.

She looks to Legolas, her face hardening to hide the fear she felt in her heart. She could see the weariness in his face, and knew that he had endured just as much as everyone else did in the Fellowship, despite his fair appearance. Yet, she admired his strength and resilience, for he had never complained once. He was truly a brave warrior in her eyes, and she knew that they needed that strength more than ever in the coming battle.

"For Frodo." Aragorn smiles to the people.

Her chest swells with anxiety as he charges forward, the whole crowd following suit.

A roar of valour erupts from her chest as she raises her hand, she looked up at the disgusting orcs who peered back  at her with slight confusion in their beady eyes. Her hands tightened their grip into a fist, for she knew time for the Final Battle. She looked at her friends and saw that they were just as determined as she was to die for Middle Earth.
She drew in a breath before casting her spell, rising to the air with a black flame surrounding her body. Fire summoned from her fingertips as she rained it down upon the Orc soldiers, who had come barrelling towards them.

Blood of the Covenant [ Legolas x Fem!Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now