Chapter Six 𐮛 Dreams of Bad Omens

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"I am a sovereign prince of Egypt. A son of a proud history that's shown etched on every wall. Surely, this is all I ever wanted.

All I ever wanted. All I ever wanted..."

- Prince of Egypt, Prophet Moses — Peace Be Upon Him.


"Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Théoden, King of Rohan..." Gandalf spoke to the four, overlooking a walled city before them that covered a small mountain, where atop the summit sat the said 'Golden Hall of Meduseld'. [Y/n] imagined the king sat broodingly upon his throne. The skies were grey and dull, which [Y/n] felt dawn on her mind depressingly — she could feel that Rohan was not what it used to be, even if she'd never been here before.

"So, this is Edoras. It is so bleak..." she whispers, and Gimli nods to her in agreement, his eyes riddled with worry.

They rode down the hill to meet the gate, which was open on entrance. A flag had flew down from above and landed to their side as they all entered. [Y/n] only saw it for a moment, but it had still made her chest heavy with anticipation. She gulped, trying to ignore the people that stared at them like they were scourges amongst their realm, not knowing what their purpose was but, clearly the people did not trust anyone anymore. She clung to Legolas a bit more, hoping to hide herself from their beady eyes that studied them too closely for comfort.

Upon reaching Meduseld, a woman donning a white dress stood watching them as they dropped from their horses and made their way to stairs. The woman was blonde, pale in the face and had a beautiful red blush on her features, which was completely natural by the looks of it. Her blonde locks swayed in the wind, and it made her more enchanting somehow. [Y/n] subconsciously felt her own hair, feeling it tightly wrapping in the bun she always keeps it in, and she began to grow ashamed for never letting her hair have the opportunity to feel the air freely, just like this beauty in front of her. The woman observed [Y/n] closely, her eyes never leaving her even when they met face to face.

She bowed slightly to the woman, feeling oddly comfortable under her gaze. The lady looked away as if she had been scorned, and hurriedly disappeared somewhere on the sides of the building, probably retreating inside to inform somebody of their arrival. [Y/n] grimaced, slightly embarrassed by the woman's reaction.

They all waited patiently for the doors to open, and throughout their wait, Gandalf would give [Y/n] a stern look, then glanced back as the doors opened. She tried not to let herself frown, knowing Gandalf gave her that look only because he was wordlessly ordering her not to use her magic. He had noticed the marks on her hands long ago when she was washing herself at a pond, and the face he pulled back then brought shame to her. She sighed, facing the Golden Hall that revealed itself before them, a man accompanied by a small detachment greeted them with scrutinising eyes.

"I cannot allow you before Théoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of Gríma Wormtongue," He spoke, his voice strict and leaving no room for debate. Hesitantly, [Y/n] handed over her pocket knife, and Gandalf took a second to notice it before continuing to hand over his sword.

[Y/n] secretly withheld a pebble in her hand, stuffing it deep into her pocket. Legolas, being as observant as he is, had taken notice of it and threw her a questioning glare. Without thinking, she winked back at him. His eyes momentarily widened before he snapped his head away, not imposing anything further. She fought back a grin, knowing the guard wouldn't take kindly to it. Oddly, she noticed the tips of Legolas's ears turn red, but it must have been a mistake. She disregarded it as nothing but a trick of lighting, and followed them in. Gandalf got to keep his staff, while everyone else were left bare despite being surrounded by dozens of armed men that watched them carefully as they strode in.

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